    摘要本文主要研究锂吸附在清洁与含氧金刚石(100)表面的情况。尽管碱金属吸附在清洁的氧化半导体表面的基础和技术应用已经引起了广泛关注,但是锂在金刚石表面吸附的报道比较少见。锂吸附在金刚石(100)表面的结构类似于钠、钾、铷在金刚石表面的结构,但锂展现出了更高的结合能,每个锂吸附需要的结合能在2.7-3.1eV 之间。对于含氧的C(100)表面:能量最低的全锂单层结构表明,相对于清洁的表面,它所需要的能量减少了 4.52eV,这有点类似于金刚石上 Cs-O结合所需要的能量,但每个锂原子所需要的结合能都要高4.7eV。Cs 在大气中相对稳定,但不能在超过 400℃的温度下工作。既然锂在金刚石表面的结合能如此之高,假如通过实验进行了验证,它能够适用于真空电子器件的金刚石表面涂层,那么,它应该在保留有降低较大功函数优势的同时,比一般 Cs-O表面有更高的热稳定性。25143
    毕业论文关键词 金刚石表面 吸附结构 电子结构 能带结构
    Title Study on the propoties and functions of the electronic structure of diamond surface
    This paper mainly studied the research on the adsorption of lithium in clean and oxygenated
    diamond (100) surfaces. Although alkali metal adsorption has attracted wide attention in the
    clean surface of oxide semiconductor, the report on the adsorption of lithium on the diamond
    surface is rare. Lithium adsorption on the structure of the diamond (100) surface is similar to
    sodium, potassium, rubidium on the structure of the diamond surface, but lithium show higher
    binding energy, the combination of each lithium adsorption energy is between 2.7-3.1eV. For
    oxygen containing C (100) surface: lowest energy of lithium monolayer structure show that
    compared to the clean surface, it needs energy reduces 4.52eV, which is similar to the binding
    energy of Cs-O on the diamond surface, but the binding energy needed is 4.7eV higher per
    lithium atom. Cs is relatively stable in the atmosphere, but it can't work at the temperature of
    over 400℃. Since the banding energy of lithium on the diamond surface binding is so high, if it
    is verified by experiments that it can be applied to the diamond surface coating for vacuum
    electronic device,it should not only have the advantage of reducing the large work function, but
    also have higher thermal stability than the ordinary Cs-O surface.
    Keywords diamond surface absorption structure electronic structure band structure
    目 次
    1 引言(或绪论)..1
    1.1 金刚石的发展历程 1
    1.2 金刚石的结构.. 2
    1.3 金刚石的特性.. 4
    1.4 Li吸附在金刚石上的研究现状 5
    1.5 本论文的主要内容和意义 7
    2 关于第一性原理的理论知识介绍 8
    2.1 第一性原理介绍. 8
    2.2 密度泛函理论介绍 8
    3 计算数据和结果分析.. 9
    3.1 计算细节..9
    3.2 基本结构..9
    3.3 清洁金刚石表面吸附锂的计算模型和结果分析. 11
    3.4 氧化金刚石表面吸附锂的计算模型和结果分析.19
    在 18 世纪末期,人们通过使金刚石燃烧的方法发现,钻石,也就是金刚石竟然是碳的一
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