    关键词   镀锌钢丝  热处理时效  珠光体球化  扭转性能     
    Title  Study on the micro-structure and properties of 2000MPa grade   zinc wire                                                         
    Galvanized steel wires are widely used in construction, bridges and other industries, especially the bridge industry. Increasing the intensity of galvanized steel wires is the focus .In the galvanized steel wire production process, adding a proper heat treatment process between the multi pass drawing and hot dip galvanizing process can improve the strength of galvanized steel wire.Compared with the steel wire directly galvanized, the tensile strength of the steel wire can be increased by an average of 50MPa, and the inpidual wire can be improved by 80MPa.The micro-structure and phase of cold drawn steel wire, heat treatment micro-structure of galvanized steel wire, galvanized steel wire are analyzed. It was found that in the process of heat treatment, carburizing dislocation  get a reply and the thermal stability is improved , heat treatment of steel wire galvanized resistance spheroidizing ability also increases, the tensile strength  increases as a result.In addition, the torsional performance of the steel wire after galvanizing is not due to the pearlite microstructure in the process of galvanizing.. In fact, the torsion of spherical pearlite steel wire is obviously better than that of lamellar pearlite steel wire.
    Keywords  Galvanized steel wire   Heat treatment aging    Nodular pearlite  
    Torsion performance
    目   次
    1 引言    1
    1.1镀锌钢丝生产简介    1
    1.1.1表面预处理    1
    1.1.2多道次拉拔    2
    1.1.3热镀锌    2
    1.2 提高镀锌钢丝强度的研究现状    2
    1.2.1提高原始盘条的强度    2
    1.2.2提高盘条总压缩率    3
    1.2.3 降低钢丝热镀锌时的强度损失    3
    1.3本课题研究意义及内容    4
    1.3.1研究意义    4
    1.3.2研究内容    4
    2 试验方法与设备    5
    2.1 试验方案    5
    2.2 试验方法及设备    5
    2.2.1 拉伸试验    5
    2.2.2 光学显微镜组织观察    5
    2.2.3 SEM组织观察    6
    2.2.4 XRD 物相观察    6
    2.2.5 扭转实验    6
    3 钢丝镀锌前后组织与性能研究    7
    3.1 镀锌前后力学性能变化    7
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