    关键词  造纸白泥  多孔陶瓷滤料  供碱释钙  吸附  除铜
    Title  Functional studies of anorthite ceramic filter material                                          
    In this paper,the main studies were focused on the pollution of white clay which came from paper mills. Porous ceramic filter material can be made of white mud ,fly ash and a variety of additive because of the characteristic that there were much CaCO3 in white clay. According to the development of the filter material absorption at home and abroad, the mechanism and meaning of using porous ceramic filter material to remove copper were summarized.Firstly, in the study of the ability of releaseing alkali calcium from filter material, the best condition was found by controlling dosing quantity、initial pH、shape and temperature. Then the influence of different dosing quantity、copper concentration and temperature on the effect of releasing copper was observed. Finally,the results showed that the filter material which consists of 50% papermaking white clay、40% fly ash、5% ground granulated sawdust and 5% kaolin had the best effect on releasing copper. Also the shape of the filter material size,dosing quantity and temperature can affect the result.
    Keywords Lime mud  Porous ceramic filter material  The release of Ca2+ and OH-   Adsorption  Removal of copper

    目  次
    1  引言    1
    1.1  滤料的制备    1
    1.2  滤料的除铜研究    2
    1.3  研究方向、意义及前景展望    2
    2  实验原料、设备、方法及过程    4
    2.1  实验原料    4
    2.2  实验设备    5
    2.3  实验方法    6
    2.4 实验过程    7
    3  实验结果与讨论    9
    3.1  滤料的性能研究    9
    3.2  钙长石和钙铝黄长石的水化性能研究    10
    3.3  滤料供碱释钙能力研究    11
    3.4  滤料除铜性能研究    20
    3.5  再生实验    26
    结  论    28
    致  谢    29
    1  引言
        目前我国的造纸厂分布甚广,造纸厂在碱回收的苛化过程中产生大量的造纸白泥废渣。据文献[1]报道,当造纸厂生产1吨粗浆时,就会产生近0.5吨的造纸白泥,因此,我国造纸厂每年会产生超过300万吨的造纸白泥。即使在今天,也只有少部分的造纸白泥得到有效利用,大部分造纸白泥都堆放在室外,这样不仅会造成占用大量的土地,引起污染环境,消耗大量的人力、物力、财力[2~4] ,而且会使造纸白泥中大量的资源被浪费。如果要想充分解决造纸白泥环境污染和利用率问题,并大幅度减少企业的成本,提升企业的竞争力,就必须合理利用造纸白泥。
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