

    本实验以造纸白泥和粉煤灰为主要原料,加入一定量的造孔剂(木屑、木纤维、页岩、珍珠岩等),制备用于水处理的多孔陶瓷滤料。了解陶瓷滤料的成孔机制,研究不同造孔剂对陶瓷滤料的影响。通过对滤料制品进行相关性能表征,如测量表观密度、堆积密度、吸水率、强度等物理性能,烧灼减量、耐酸度、耐碱度等化学性能,选出最佳的造孔剂。实验用全分析方法分析原料成分,再利用XRD分析技术找出制品所含矿物相,用体式显微镜观察制品形貌,并用SEM观察制品微观形貌、确认矿物相,以便从理论上解释各种实验现象及结论。所得滤料制品不仅原料来源广泛、价格低廉,而且具有质量轻、显气孔率和耐碱度高、吸水率和筒压强度适中等优点,更重要的是它可以同时解决造纸白泥与污水两大环境问题,达到以废治废的目的。研究发现,造孔剂的加入使得滤料表观密度降低,显气孔率和吸水率增加,部分造孔剂对滤料强度有所提升,其中硅藻土效果最佳。以硅藻土为造孔剂制得的滤料表观密度为1.2178 g/cm3,显气孔率为49.49%,筒压强度为4.793MPa。为了增加造纸白泥的使用率,特增加两组实验:5:5和6:4的配比,结果表明4:6配比制品的综合性能最佳。XRD分析表明制品的主要矿物相为钙长石和钙铝黄长石,体式显微镜和SEM观察到制品中孔隙呈不规则分布。67176

    毕业论文关键词  造纸白泥 多孔陶瓷滤料 造孔剂 钙长石 钙铝黄长石


    Title:Study of Production and Performance of Porous Ceramic Filter Made of Lime Mud                                                  


    With the development of industry, discharge of waste water is growing both in amount and kind. How to efficiently treat polluted water is a world puzzle. The development of novel filtration material for sewage disposal is of significant importance.

    With lime mud and fly ash as raw materials, and some pore forming material (sawdust, xylon, shale, pearlite and so on), the experiment makes porous ceramic filter for the physical filter of sewage. First of all, explored by previous experiments to determine the appropriate composition ratio and firing temperature, and then mixed raw materials, pelletized, conserved and calcined, and finally tested and analyzed its performance. At the same time, the experiment analyzed the products by XRD, which enhanced the understanding of the experiment and could adjusted experimental program timely. The product has many advantages, such as wide range of raw materials, low prices, light quality, high porosity and alkaline, moderate water absorption and crushing strength. More importantly, it solves two major environmental problems—lime mud and sewage so that carries the point that treat wastes with wastes. Study found that adding pore-forming agent caused decrease of the bulk density of filter, and increase of apparent porosity and water absorption. And part of pore-forming agent can improve strength of filter, of which diatomite has best effect. For the filter made by diatomite, its apparent porosity is 49.49%, crushing strength is 4.793MPa, and apparent density is 1.2178 g/cm3. In order to increase the utilization of lime mud, we add two groups ratio of 5:5 and 6:4. The study found that the ratio of 4:6 is the best.

    Key word  Lime mud; Porous ceramic filter; Pore-forming agent; Gehlenite; Anorthite

    目  次

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