
    摘要    远红外陶瓷作为新兴材料,其优良的红外发射性能以及散热性能正逐渐被人们所认知。本文主要综述了远红外陶瓷常用的制备方法、烧结方法以及应用,同时展望了远红外陶瓷未来的发展前景。本实验主要通过甘氨酸—硝酸盐燃烧合成法(GNP法)制备MgFe2O4陶瓷,并通过不同G/M(G为甘氨酸的摩尔量,M为金属离子的总摩尔量)值配比以及不同烧结温度合成MgFe2O4陶瓷,来研究MgFe2O4陶瓷的结构以及烧结温度对陶瓷性能的影响。本实验对陶瓷试样进行了XRD物相分析、SEM观察、致密度测试、红外发射率测试以及导热率测试,结果表明G/M值为1.5:1并且在1000℃烧结时,陶瓷有最大的红外发射率0.74;G/M值为2.5:1并且在1000℃烧结的陶瓷有最大的热导率0.94,导热率较好。67175

    毕业论文关键词    远红外 陶瓷 烧结 红外发射率 热导率


    Far infrared ceramic as a new material, the infrared emission performance and excellent thermal performance is increasingly being perceived by people. This paper summarizes the far-infrared ceramic preparation method used, sintering methods, and applications, while prospect of far-infrared ceramic future prospects. This experiment by glycine - nitrate combustion synthesis (GNP) method, etc. MgFe2O4 ceramics through various G / M (G is glycine molar amount, M is a metal ion of the total molar amount) of the values match, and sintered at different temperatures Synthesis MgFe2O4 ceramics, to study MgFe2O4 ceramic sintering temperature on the structure and properties of ceramics. In this study, the ceramic samples were characterized by XRD phase analysis, SEM observation, density testing, infrared emission rate testing and thermal conductivity test results show that the G / M is 1.5:1 and sintering at 1000 ℃, ceramics have the greatest infrared Emissivity 0.74; G / M is 2.5:1 and sintered at 1000 ℃ ceramic has a maximum thermal conductivity of 0.94, thermal conductivity is better.

    Keywords   Far-infrared  Ceramics Sintering  Infrared emissivity  Thermal conductivity

    目 录

    1 引言 1

    1.1 远红外辐射陶瓷粉 1

    1.2 远红外陶瓷的制备方法 2

    1.3 远红外辐射陶瓷的烧结方法 3

    1.4远红外陶瓷的应用 3

    1.5远红外陶瓷研究进展及前景展望 3

    1.6 本课题研究的问题 4

    1.7 研究手段 4

    2 实验过程 5

    2.1 实验原料和设备 5

    2.2 MgFe2O4粉体的制备 5

    2.2.1 GNP法制备MgFe2O4粉体 6

    2.2.2 MgFe2O4粉体的烧结 7

    2.3 X射线衍射物相分析(XRD) 7

    2.4 扫描电镜观察(SEM) 9

    2.5 热导率测试 10

    2.6 红外发射率测试 11

    2.7 致密度测试 11

    3 实验结果分析 12

    3.1 X射线衍射结果与分析 12

    3.2 MgFe2O4粉体SEM观察 14

    3.3 致密度与气孔率测试结果与分析 16

    3.4 红外发射率测试结果与分析

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