    Title: Nano phase separation dynamics in the ferritic phase field quantitative
    Fe-Cr duplex stainless steel alloy is an important base alloy, it is often applied at high temperatures, radiation, stress and other work environment, therefore, very important to the stability of their organization. Under irradiation and high temperature conditions, Fe-Cr alloys will produce Cr-rich α 'precipitate phase, resulting in a stainless steel plastic, toughness and corrosion resistance decrease. Therefore, the coarsening behavior of Fe-Cr alloy phase decomposition and α 'phase of component selection and organization performance prediction has important reference value. In this paper, phase field Cahn-Hilliard equation, phase field dynamics model Fe-Cr alloy instability decomposition. By microstructure of the alloy at different temperatures and different concentrations of α'-phase volume fraction, radius, and particle number density variation effect at any time, to study the dynamics of change in Fe-Cr alloy in the decomposition process, an alloy service and designed to provide a reference. The main findings are as follows:
    With the increase in Cr concentration phase decomposition of speed increases, but when the temperature is very low Cr concentrations, the aging temperature is high enough, Fe-Cr alloy in the second phase decomposition mechanism of nucleation and growth, while the second phase length Great speed increased significantly. When the Cr concentration equal to, as the temperature rises, instability decomposition rate becomes faster, the high temperature α 'equilibrium volume fraction is small, α' phase particles larger radius.
    Keywords: Fe-Cr alloy, Phase decomposition, Microstructure
    目   录
    1    引言    1
    1.1 研究背景    1
    1.1.1  Fe-Cr合金的基本性能    2
    1.1.2  Fe-Cr合金相分解的研究现状    2
    1.1.3  存在的问题    3
    1.2 相变动力学理论    3
    1.2.1  经典理论    4
    1.2.2  非经典形核    5
    1.2.3  匀相转变    6
    1.3 计算机模拟在材料中的应用    7
    1.4 相场方法    8
    1.4.1  相场法的原理    9
    1.4.2  相场法的特点    10
    1.4.3  相场法的应用    10
    1.5 本论文研究内容    11
    2  研究方法    11
    2.1  相场方法    11
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