    关键词  Mg-3Al-1Zn合金  动态再结晶 晶粒细化 孪晶 力学性能
    Title   Microstructure and mechanical properties of Variable- plane -rolled AZ31 magnesium alloy under decreasing temperture
    Magnesium alloy is a light structural material what used widely in life and  production. Because of its good casting properties, corrosion resistance and dimensional stability, magnesium alloy has wide application in the field of  aerospace, automotive, defense, electronics and other industries. But magnesium alloys made by traditional plastic machining have many disadvantages, In this paper, AZ31 magnesium alloys were processed by variable-plane rolling, cooling variable-plane rolling and variable-plane sheet rolling, in order to improve the mechanical properties of magnesium alloys.
    In this lab, from the evolved microstructures that were observed by optical microscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD).  we can find that the microstructures of variable-plane-rolled AZ31 magnesium alloy are changed obviously. Dynamic recrystallization occurs during deformation. Grain size is refined and homogeneous. The number of twins is increasing. In addition, the tensile strength of AZ31 magnesium alloy was significantly increased through the uniaxial tension and compression, the ductility and the elongation rate was also improved. And through the experimental contrast, it can be seen that the deformation temperature is decreased, the dynamic recrystallization is not enough, and the grain size is blocked.
    Keywords  AZ31 magnesium alloy Dynamic recrystallization Gain refinement  Twin   Mechanical properties
    目   次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题研究背景    1
    1.1.1镁合金介绍    1
    1.1.2 镁合金的分类及应用    1
    1.1.3 镁合金的轧制工艺及研究现状    1
    1.2 力学性能的影响因素    2
    1.2.1 晶粒细化对镁合金力学性能的影响    2
    1.2.2 织构对镁合金力学性能的影响    3
    1.2.3 动态再结晶对镁合金力学性能的影响    3
    1.3本课题的研究目的、内容及意义    3
    2 实验方法    5
    2.1 镁合金的制备    5
    2.1.1 实验材料    5
    2.1.2 降温变面轧制AZ31镁合金    5
    2.2 力学性能测试    7
    2.3 微观组织分析    8
    2.3.1 金相组织观察    8
    2.3.2 X射线衍射分析    9
    2.3.3 扫描电子显微镜分析    9
    2.3.4 透射电子显微镜分析    9
    3 实验结果    10
    3.1降温变面轧制AZ31镁合金    10
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