    关键词:45钢 膏剂渗硼 工艺参数
    Title  Medium carbon steel Paste-Boriding Process Research         
    Boronizing temperature and boronizing time of the layer thickness of iron boride on the microstructure and microhardness of influence by paste-boriding technology of 45 steel at 850 ℃, 880℃ and 910℃ for 5h boriding, at 910℃ for 3h, 4h, 5h and 6h boronizing and at 910 ℃ for 5h change the boriding paste formula for boriding are studied, in order to determine the optimum process parameters of paste-boriding.
    The results show that the boronizing layer thickness with the boronizing temperature increase, but the higher the boronizing temperature, boronizing layer on the surface of a loose organization, empty more, so boronizing temperature 910 ℃ suitable selection. The boronizing layer thickness with the boriding time increased, but when time is short the boronizing layer is thin, boronizing layer of the dentate tissue fine, needle-like, wear resistance of the material and the corrosion resistance changed little, when time is long the boronizing layer is thicker, and the boride layer brittleness is larger, the more thicker the more adverse when it overcome the brittleness of boriding, so boronizing time selected 5h is better.
    Key word: 45 steel   paste-boriding    Process parameters
    目   次
    1    引言    1
    1.1  膏剂渗硼的工艺参数    1
    1.2  膏剂渗硼的机理    5
    1.3  渗硼层的组织与性能    6
    1.4  本课题研究内容    8
    2    实验方法    8
    2.1  实验材料与设备    8
    2.2  实验方案    9
    3    实验结果与讨论    12
    3.1  膏剂渗硼正交试验分析    12
    3.2  渗硼层金相组织分析    14
    3.3  渗硼层显微硬度分析    20
    结论    22
    致谢    23
    参考文献    24
    1  引言
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