    摘要:本文以A1-Cu-Mg系硬铝合金2024为研究对象,研究了不同的热处理加工工艺对2024铝合金材料的结构和性能的影响。采用本文提出的金属材料相变测量的新方法二次称重法来测量不均匀相变过程中比容的变化,铝合金的热处理方式为固溶和时效。不均匀处理采用顶端淬火和局部(一半)试样浸水两种方式来研究固溶过程中的不均匀相变。时效采用人工时效、自然时效和人工+自然时效三种方式通过测量比容、硬度和热膨胀来验证二测称重法的有效性。实验结果表明,不同局部固溶条件下处理的试样和不同时效条件下处理的试样,其力学性能的变化与二次称重法所得的实验结果吻合,证明了二次称重法在研究相变时的有效性。 最后,使用二次称重法研究了材料的淬透性,确认了此新的分析方法的有效性。34061
    毕业论文关键词:2024铝合金;固溶; 时效; 淬透性; 二次称重法
    The measurement and research of volume change raised by non-uniform phase in aluminum alloy heat treatment process
    Abstract: The A1-Cu-Mg series duralumi-alloy 2024 as the research object in this paper, and studied the effect of different heat treatment process on 2024 aluminum alloy structure and performance. Firstly through the thermal expansion method verify that the materials in heat treatment processing non-uniform phase will cause volume change, and then use the new mental phase measuring method of this paper proposed second weighing method to measure the change of special volume in the process of non-uniform phase change, the heat treatment method of Al alloy is the solution and aging.non-uniform treatment include top quenching and the partial (half) water immerse.Aging by artificial aging and natural aging and artificial and natural aging in three ways to verify the second test weighing method is effective by measuring specific volume, hardness, and thermal expansion. Test results show that different local solid solution samples treated under the condition of the specimen and different aging conditions, changes in the mechanical properties and second weighing method. Finally, using second weighing method to measure the material’s hardenability, to confirm the validity of this new analysis method.
    Key words: 2024 aluminum alloy; solid solution; Aging; Hardenability,; Second weighing method

    1. 绪论    - 3 -
    1.1. 选题背景    - 3 -
    1.1.1. 铝及铝合金的概述    - 3 -
    1.1.2. 2024铝合金    - 3 -
    1.2. 铝合金的强化机制    - 4 -
    1.2.1. 全部固溶    - 4 -
    1.2.2. 局部固溶    - 5 -
    1.2.3. 时效处理    - 5 -
    1.3. 淬透性    - 6 -
    1.4. 选题的目的和意义    - 6 -
    1.5. 课题的研究内容和目标    - 8 -
    2.实验材料与方法    - 9 -
    2.1实验材料及取样准备    - 9 -
    2.2.热处理实验    - 9 -
    2.2.1 局部固溶热处理实验    - 9 -
    2.2.2时效热处理实验    - 12 -
    2.3 硬度测试实验    - 13 -
    2.3.1实验原理    - 13 -
    2.3.2取样方法    - 14 -
    2.4 二次称重法实验    - 14 -
    2.4.1.实验原理    - 14 -
    2.4.2. 二次称重法取样方法    - 14 -
    2.4.3实验仪器    - 15 -
    2.4.4实验步骤与方法    - 15 -
    2.5热膨胀实验    - 16 -
    3. 实验结果与讨论    - 17 -
    3.1二次称重法实验结果    - 18 -
    3.1.1铝合金2024不同局部固溶条件下的结果讨论    - 18 -
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