    关键词:高强高硬钢   螺柱焊   数值模拟    温度场
    Title    Numerical simulation of high strength steel stud welding                    
    This paper mainly introduces Stud diameter of 27mm in 45mm and 80mm thickness high strength simulation analyses on the high value of welding hard.The discussion of the basic principles and Simulation of welding methods of numerical simulation technology,points out the main development direction of welding numerical simulation technology.A finite element with high  hardness and high strength steel stud welding model using SYSWELD, obtained the distribution of temperature field in welding.Change the current size and simulate different diameter of solid and hollow stud welding process of temperature field.get the effect of the temperature field distribution of stud welding under different welding current.The results show that the welding current is the main influencing parameters of welding temperature field.
    Keywords   High strength steel   Stud welding    Numerical simulation
               temperature field
    1 绪论    1
    1.1  课题研究背景    1
    1.2  焊接过程数值模拟研究概况    1
    1.3  本文的主要研究内容    3
    2  高强高硬钢螺柱焊的工艺试验    4
    2.1  螺柱焊的焊接原理    4
    2.2  螺柱焊的工艺特点    5
    2.3  高强高硬钢螺柱焊接工艺参数    5
    3  高强高硬钢螺柱焊接的有限元建模    7
    3.1  高强高硬钢螺柱焊有限元建模步骤    7
    3.2  Ø27mm 实心螺柱在45mm钢板上的有限元建模    10
    3.3  Ø27mm 实心螺柱在80mm钢板上的有限元建模    12
    3.4  本次试验中的简化建模    13
    4  高强高硬钢螺柱焊接温度场模拟结果分析    15
    4.1  Ø27mm 实心螺柱在80mm钢板上的温度场结果    15
    4.2  Ø27mm 实心螺柱在45mm钢板上的温度场结果    17
    结   论    21
    致   谢    22
    参考文献    23
    1  绪论
    1.1  课题研究背景
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