    摘要:通过脉冲电沉积方法在镍合金表面制备Ni-Mo-Al-MoSi2复合镀层。通过改变电镀工艺条件,探究电镀工艺条件对Ni-Mo-Al-MoSi2复合镀层中Al和Si含量的影响,获得较佳的工艺条件。分别采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、电子能谱仪(EDX)、X射线衍射仪(XRD),对所得镀层的表面形貌、成分、物相结构进行表征。获得较佳的工艺参数如下:电镀液pH值为8.2,电镀温度为40℃,电流密度为18.75A/cm2,脉冲频率为4000Hz,占空比为0.5,搅拌速度为400r/min和电镀时间是20min。EDX表征结果显示:在较佳的工艺条件下,Ni-Mo-Al-MoSi2复合镀层中Al的含量为2.35%,Si的含量为2.23%。SEM表征结果显示:Ni-Mo-Al-MoSi2复合镀层表面较为平整,结瘤较小。XRD表征结果显示:Ni-Mo-Al-MoSi2复合镀层为晶态结构,镀层在2θ=31.617°,43.570°,44.371°,51.703°, 76.225°时分别对应Al7.51Mo1.07Ni1.42(042),AlNi3(111),A0.9Ni4.22(111),MoNi4(200), MoSi2(213)晶面。35436
    毕业论文关键词:脉冲电沉积;复合镀层 ;MoSi2;Al;Si
    Abstract: Ni-Mo-Al-MoSi2 composite coatings were prepared on Ni alloy by electrodeposition method.The electroplating process conditions on the Ni-Mo-Al-MoSi2 composite coatings were studied, and the Al and Si contents of the composite coatings were investigated under different electroplating process conditions. The morphology surface, compositions and structure of composite plating were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Energy Disperse and X-ray detectors (EDX), X-ray diffraction (XRD).Technological prarameter as follows: PH=8.2, electroyet temperature is 40℃, current density is 18.75A/cm2 , frequency is 4000Hz, dutyfactor is 0.5, stirring rate is 400 r/min, and plating time is 20 min. The characterization result of EDX shows that the Al and Si contents of Ni-Mo-Al-MoSi2 composite coatings based on technological prarameter above which is 2.35% and 2.23% respectively. SEM shows that the suface of Ni-Mo-Al-MoSi2 composite coatings are more meticulous and smooth. XRD indicates that Ni-Mo-Al-MoSi2 coatings are crystalline. The strong peak at 2θ=31.617°, 43.570°, 44.371°, 51.703°, 76.225° in the Ni-Mo-Al-MoSi2 coatings was attribute to Al7.51Mo1.07Ni1.42(042), AlNi3(111), A0.9Ni4.22(111), MoNi4(200), MoSi2(213).
    Keywords:pulse electrodeposited; composite coating; MoSi2; Al
     目  录
    1  前言    5
    1.1  复合电镀的介绍    5
    1.1.1  复合镀层的定义    5
    1.1.2  固体微粒的选择    5
    1.1.3  复合镀层的性能    5
    1.1.4  影响复合镀层性能的因素    6
    1.1.5  脉冲电沉积法制备复合镀层    7
    1.2  复合电镀工艺研究现状    7
    1.2.1  耐蚀型复合镀材料    7
    1.2.2  高硬度耐磨型复合镀材料    8
    1.2.3  耐高温复合镀材料    9
    1.2.4  催化析氢用复合镀镀材料    10
    1.3  Al元素和MoSi2电沉积工艺研究现状    10
    1.3.1  Al元素电沉积工艺研究现状    10
    1.3.2  MoSi2电沉积工艺研究现状    11
    1.4  本课题来源、研究内容及意义    12
    1.4.1  课题来源    12
    1.4.2  研究内容    12
    1.4.3  研究背景及意义    12
    2.  实验部分    13
    2.1  实验材料及试剂    13
    2.1.1  实验材料    13
    2.1.2  实验试剂    13
    2.2  实验设备与装置    13
    2.2.1  实验设备    14
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