    关键词:  搪瓷钢;鳞爆;氢渗透;氢扩散系数;陷阱数;不可逆陷阱
    Enamel steel plate in the national economy plays a very important role in daily life is in close relation with people's widely used in light industry, household appliances, metallurgy, chemical industry, building, etc. The steel plate for enamel products mainly rely on import for a long time. In recent years, the demand for cold rolled steel sheet for about 150000 tons/year, of which about 80% of imports, so develop the enamel use steel plate is imminen. Fishscal problems often appears in the Enamel steel plate, which is because of the hydrogen Diffusion. Enamel steel hydrogen diffusion capacity marks the level of the ability of hydrogen storage. We utilize the measure of adding trace alloys which affect the type, size and distribution of the irreversible traps (alloys) in low carbon steel such as vanadium, titanium and so on. While the electrochemical method is used to test the hydrogen penetrate time, the trap parameters, hydrogen diffusion activation energy, irreversible traps. The results show that Ti, Mn, Cr, etc is added in the steel micro alloy elements in the formation of the carbon nitride, sulfide and oxide precipitate phase can increase the number of irreversible traps in steel plate. the more irreversible traps with more types of them, the smaller the diffusion coefficient of hydrogen, so that hydrogen diffusion is harder. The scaling resistance is better.
    Keywords:    Enamel Steel; scale;Hydrogen Permeation; Hydrogen Diffusion Coefficient; The Number Of Traps; Irreversible Trapping
    1. 概述    1
    1.1 搪瓷钢定义及存在问题    1
    1.1.1 搪瓷钢定义    1
    1.1.2 搪瓷钢主要问题    2
    1.2 氢扩散以及氢陷阱理论    3
    1.2.1 氢扩散定义    3
    1.2.2 氢扩散对金属的影响    3
    1.3 氢陷阱理论    4
    1.3.1 氢陷阱定义及种类    4
    1.3.2 氢陷阱对氢扩散的影响    5
    1.3.3 影响不可逆陷阱的因素    7
    1.4 搪瓷钢抗鳞爆性的评价方法    8
    1.4.1常见评价方法    8
    1.5 研究目的与意义    9
    2. 实验材料及方法    10
    2.1 实验材料    10
    2.2 实验方案    10
    2.2.1材料组织与性能分析    10
    2.2.2 氢渗透实验    11
    2.3 实验设备    14
    3. 实验结果及分析    14
    3.1 微观组织    14
    3.2 析出相分析    15
    3.3 氢渗透测试结果    19
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