    Study on the Inoculation In mould and Non-in mould within inoculation
    Silicon as inoculation was used in this experiments.The effects of inoculation method,pouring temperature,quantity of inoculation on inoculation of cast iron have been studied.The results showed that:After inoculating gray cast iron,graphite-type graphite grades improved significantly,the inoculation effect good gray iron graphite structure which is more uniform and more detailed.Inoculation on the particle size and the certain circumstances, for the amount of inoculation castings compressive strength decreases with the increase of pouring temperature,  The pouring temperature of 1370-1450℃was more appropriate to the cast iron Inoculation on the particle size and the certain circumstances, for the amount of inoculation castings compressive strength decreases with the increase of pouring temperature, The best amount of inoculation was 0.1-0.15%.In pouring temperature and the inoculation addition amount of a certain situation, the compressive strength of castings as nucleating agent increases with increasing of the particle size, Inoculation particle size of 0.3-0.06mm gestation best.
    Keywords:Inoculation;In mould Inoculation;Gray cast iron;Graphite organization
    1前言    1
     1.1铸铁    1
     1.2铸铁孕育机理    2
     1.3铸铁孕育工艺方法    2
       1.3.1包内孕育    2
       1.3.2瞬时孕育    4
     1.4型内孕育    4
       1.4.1工艺因素对型内孕育的影响    4
     1.5研究目的及意义    7
     1.6课题的研究内容和目标    7
       1.6.1研究内容    7
       1.6.2研究目标    7
    2实验    8
     2.1实验原材料    8
     2.2实验设备    8
     2.3实验方案    9
         2.3.1采用型内孕育方法孕育的铸铁    9
     2.4实验过程    11
       2.4.1型内孕育实验过程    11
    3实验结果与分析讨论    13
     3.1灰铸铁中存在的石墨形态    13
     3.2型内孕育的灰铸铁金相组织及抗压强度分析    15
       3.2.1孕育剂加入量对型内孕育效果的影响    15
       3.2.2浇注温度对型内孕育效果的影响    21
       3.2.3孕育剂粒度对型内孕育效果的影响    24
    4结论    29
    致谢    30
    参考文献    31
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