    Abstract Red long lasting phosphors of Sr2SnO4:Sm3+ have been successfully synthesized by solid-state reaction. The phase structure and the luminescent intensity of Sr2SnO4:Sm3+ were analyzed by x ray diffraction and fluorescence spectrometer. The effect of the sintering temperature on the phase structure of the sample and the effect of Sm3+ doping proportion on the luminescence intensity of the sample were discussed. The research found that the best sintering temperature was 1000 ℃, with increasing Sm3+ concentration, emission intensity increases first and then decreases. Which means there exist concentration quenching. The optimized mole fraction of Sm3+ is 1%. The afterglow properties of Sr2SnO4:Sm3+ were analyzed, the afterglow time and trap depth of the sample were obtained by fitting of the afterglow decay curve and the thermoluminescence spectrum. The effect of co-doping alkali metal elements(K+ and Na+)on the afterglow properties of the samples is studied, the results have been found that the afterglow properties of the phosphors are enhanced and the effect of K+ is better, and the afterglow of the material is greatly improved.
    Key Words: Sr2SnO4; Afterglow; excitation spectroscopy; emission spectroscopy; decay; TL spectra
    1绪论    7
    1.1 长余辉发光材料研究的意义和进展    7
    1.2锡酸锶的简介    7
    1.3合成方法    8
    1.3.1 高温固相法    8
    1.3.2 溶胶-凝胶法    9
    1.3.3 水热合成法    10
    1.4 长余辉发光材料的发光和余辉机理    10
    1.4.1 影响余辉时间长短的因素    11
    1.4.2 主要影响因素——陷阱深度的测量方法    11
    2实验部分    14
    2.1 实验原料    14
    2.2实验仪器设备    14
    2.3 制备方法的选择    15
    2.4 样品制备    16
    2.5 工艺优化    16
    2.5.1 烧结温度的影响    16
    2.5.2 Sm3+掺杂比例的影响    16
    2.6 测试与表征    17
    3结果与讨论    17
    3.1 烧结温度的影响    17
    3.2 SM3+掺杂比例的影响    18
    3.2.1对物相的影响    18
    3.2.2 对发光性能的影响    19
    3.3 余辉性质    21
    4结论    25
    致谢    26
    参考文献    27
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