    Preparation of Mn - doped dilute magnetic ZnO films
    Abstract:ZnO is a direct band gap oxide semiconductor material with a wide band gap,a low dielectric constant, large exciton coupling coefficient, high chemical stability, high binding energy and excellent optical, electrical and piezoelectric properties etc., therefore it has a potential application value in many aspects such as solar cell, piezoelectric films, photoelectric devices, gas sensor and UV detector etc..As a typical semiconductor, ZnO is a cheap, abundant source and has good stability. In recent years, transition-mental doped ZnO materials have promoted material researchers at home and aboard to do the extensive researches due to their potential application in spintronics, and the study of Mn- doped ZnO based diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMSs) has especially attracted many interestings, however, there are still many disputes on the origin of ferromagnetism during the experiments. In this paper, we prepared the Mn-doped ZnO diluted magnetic thin films by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis(USP). The structure and magnetic properties were studied by the X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and superconducting quantum interference (SQUID), and then the origin of magnetism was explored. By analyzing the experimental results, it is found that the room-temperature ferromagnetism has a strong dependence on the hole carrier in Mn-doped ZnO films, which confirms the theoretical prediction on the ferromagnetism originating from the hole-mediated bound magnetic polarons.
    Key words: Mn-doped ZnO films, ultrasonic spray pyrolysis (USP), diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMSs).
     1  绪论    6
    1.1引言    6
    1.2研究背景和意义    6
    1.3主要研究内容    7
    2  氧化锌概述    7
    2.1 ZnO的晶体结构    8
    2.2 ZnO的形态    9
    2.3 ZnO薄膜的应用    9
    2.3.1 透明导电薄膜    9
    2.3.2 压敏元件    10
    2.3.3 气敏元件    10
    2.3.4 发光器件    10
    2.3.5 紫外探测器    11
    2.4 ZnO的电学特性    11
    2.5  ZnO的光学特性    11
    3  稀磁半导体材料及稀磁ZnO    11
        3.1 稀磁半导体概述    12
    3.1.1稀磁半导体的基本概念    12
            3.1.2稀磁半导体的晶体结构及分类    13
        3.2稀磁半导体的性质和应用    13
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