    1. Z12CN13马氏体不锈钢是温度和应变速率的敏感材料。相同的温度下,变形抗力随着应变速率的增大而增大,较高应变速率下的应力-应变曲线明显高于较低应变速率下的应力-应变曲线。相同形变速率下,变形抗力随着变形温度的减小而增大,较高温度下的应力应变曲线明显低于较低温度下的应力应变曲线。
    2. Z12CN13马氏体不锈钢真应力-应变曲线显示:较低的变形温度和较大变形速率不利于Z12CN13马氏体不锈钢发生动态再结晶。850℃时,所有应变速率下的真应力-应变曲线为加工硬化状态。950℃时,1s-1应变速率下的真应力-应变曲线为动态回复状态。1050℃、1150℃时,所有应变速率下的真应力-应变曲线为动态再结晶状态。
    3. 从微观组织可得到较高的变形温度和较小变形速率下,Z12CN13马氏体不锈钢晶粒细小均匀。
    4. 确定了Z12CN13马氏体不锈钢临界应变与峰值应变的关系:
     5. 通过线性拟合获得了Z12CN13马氏体不锈钢动态再结晶激活能为:
    6. 确定了Z12CN13马氏体不锈钢动态再结晶临界应变模型:
     Research Method on Recrystallization Critical Strain of Martensitic Stainless Steel
    Abstract:Z12CN13 martensitic stainless steel is the main nuclear industry, research and master the performance of high temperature thermal processing to the development of the national nuclear industry has a critical influence. By Z12CN13 martensitic stainless steel forging process simulation study hot compression test for reasonable development of thermal process parameters and use Z12CN13 martensitic stainless steel to provide important reference value.
    With the help of gleeble-1500 thermal simulation compressor to compress Z12CN13 martensitic stainless simulation, process parameters for the deformation temperature 850 ℃, 950 ℃, 1050 ℃, 1150 ℃, strain rate 0.01s-1,0.1s-1,1s -1. By hot compression simulation data analysis, mainly the following results:
    1. Z12CN13 martensitic stainless steel is the temperature and strain rate sensitive material. At the same temperature, deformation resistance with increasing strain rate increases, the stress under high strain rate - significantly higher than the stress-strain curve at a low strain rate - strain curve. Under the same deformation rate, deformation resistance with decreasing deformation temperature increases, the stress-strain curves at higher temperatures significantly lower than the stress-strain curve at lower temperatures.
    2. Z12CN13 really martensitic stainless steel stress - strain curve shows: a lower deformation temperature and strain rate is not conducive to large Z12CN13 martensitic stainless steel dynamic recrystallization. 850 ℃, the true strain rate stress all - strain hardening curve state. 950 ℃ when, 1s-1 strain rate of the true stress - strain curve of dynamic recovery state. 1050 ℃, 1150 ℃, the true strain rate stress all - strain curves dynamic recrystallization state.
    3. To obtain a higher deformation temperature and strain rate from smaller microstructure under, Z12CN13 martensitic stainless steel fine grain size uniform.
    4. Determine the critical strain Z12CN13 martensitic stainless steel and peak strain relationship:
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