

    关键词  平面微弹簧 有限元模拟 疲劳(力学)铝青铜合金


    Title    The study of the fatigue function of micro-spring by finite  element simulation                                                   


    Planar micro-spring , as an important device of micro processing, provide the MEMS system with elastic driving force and transfer elastic potential energy. It can also be used in the field of micro sensors. In this paper, the geometry model of planar micro-spring has been structured. The influence of micro spring’s fatigue property, caused by the common flaws and different width and thickness of micro-spring, is be used to studied by the finite element simulation. The stress and strain distribution map is studied to describe the mechanics situation inside the spring.  Research shows: The fatigue lifetime aluminum bronze can acquired the fatigue lifetime which be more than ten thousand time in ideal situation, it’s more than the fatigue lifetime acquired by text. It’s provide the academic support for the prospect of the improving of micro-spring. The simulation results show that the line width, thickness and fatigue life of the planar micro spring are positively correlated, and the increasing of the width and thickness of the spring can increase the fatigue life of the spring. It’s described by stress and strain distribution diagram that the stress concentration phenomenon is occurred at the corner of the spring. The existence of flaw inside the spring could reduce the fatigue life severely. Therefore, is necessary to reduce the defects to obtain a useful micro-spring.

    Keywords  Planar micro-spring Finite element simulation Fatigue property Aluminum bronze alloy

    目   次

    1.绪论 1

    1.1平面微弹簧 1

    1.1.1平面微弹簧概述 1

    1.1.2平面微弹簧的制备方法 1

    1.2有限元分析法介绍 5

    1.2.1有限元分析方法概述 5

    1.2.2有限元的分析过程 6

    1.2.3有限元分析方法的优点 7

    1.3本课题的研究意义及主要内容 8


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