    Preparation of Hydrogen Silicone and Its Application on Addition LED Sealant
    Abstract:This article mainly discusses the LED with high transparent silicone sealant in the preparation and properties of hydrogen silicone research, discussed the formula under different solution containing hydrogen silicone oil in the choice of different components, measuring the refractive index and infrared spectrometer detecting the hydrogen silicone oil, the content of the internal structure of benzene is discussed for containing hydrogen silicone oil and silicone oil containing hydrogen and the ratio of vinyl silicone oil after curing film forming properties. And experiment with interaction with vinyl silicone oil containing hydrogen silicone oil after crosslinking curing properties, such as the infrared spectrogram, the DMA determination of glass transition temperature and the shear bond strength after curing film, further discusses the containing hydrogen silicone oil in LED high through the application of silicone sealant, with two different structures containing hydrogen silicone oil. Different formula of film forming of hydrogen silicone curing performance has a decisive role.
    Key words:Silicone Sealant; LED; Infrared Analysis; Shear Bond Strength; DMA

    一、绪论    1
    1.1. 研究背景    1
    1.2. 研究意义    1
    1.3. 加成型硅酮密封胶的特点    1
    1.4. 加成型硅酮密封胶的组成    3
    1.5. 加成型硅酮密封胶的优势,发展障碍和前景    4
    1.5.1. 加成型硅酮密封胶的优势    4
    1.5.2. 加成型硅酮密封胶的发展障碍    4
    1.5.3. 加成型硅酮密封胶的发展前景    4
    1.6. 加成型硅酮密封胶的研究进展、制备方法和分类    5
    1.6.1. 硅酮密封胶按其完全硫化后模量的研究进展    5
    1.6.2. 加成型硅酮密封胶的制备方法    6
    1.6.3. 加成型硅酮密封胶的分类    6
    1.6.4. 加成型硅酮密封胶的选题目的与意义    7
    1.7. 本文主要内容:    8
    二、实验部分    9
    2.1. 实验原料    9
    2.2. 产品合成设备及型号信息    10
    2.3. 合成配方    10
    2.3.1. 方案一含氢硅油的配方    10
    2.3.2. 方案二含氢硅油的制备配方    11
    2.4. 表征方法    11
    三、结果与讨论    13
    3.1. 含氢硅油的红外光谱分析    13
    3.2. 含氢硅油折光率的测定    14
    3.3. 红外光谱分析——固化成膜物    15
    3.4. 剪切粘结强度测试    16
    3.5. 固化成膜物DMA测定    17
    3.6. 成膜固化物的邵A硬度测试    18
    3.7不同方案制备含氢硅油工艺探讨    19
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