
    摘要制备C/C复合材料的基本思路是先用碳纤维制备预制体,然后再经致密化工艺以基体碳将其中的孔隙填满使材料形成一个整体,最终得到 C/C复合材料,其中预制体作为复合材料的增强体,不仅会影响材料的增密过程,也会影响最终材料的性能。本实验研究一种碳/碳复合材料预制体的制备方法,短碳纤维长度为6-12mm,把短碳纤维分散在聚氧化乙烯和羟丙基甲基纤维素醚分散水溶液中;用静置法去除分散液;加热干燥得到碳纤维预制体。本实验的制备方法不需昂贵的长碳纤维、也不需复杂的编织成型工艺、优点多于缺点。43662


    Preparation of preform for carbon/carbon composite 


    To prepare C/C composites, we should first prepare reinforcement material that is preform with carbon fibers, and then the preform is densified with carbon matrix by filling pores of the preform. This experimental study preparation method of one kind of preform for carbon/ carbon composite materials by dispersing and settlement of carbon fibers in water, using the short carbon fiber length of 6-12mm as precursor instead of long carbon fibers, and polyoxyethylene and the hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose ether as dispersion agents. After the settlement, the carbon fiber preforms are dried in a drying oven. The optimum preparation conditions are obtained by the orthogonal experimental design method. This experimental preparation method does not need the expensive long carbon fibers, does not require the complex knitting formation craft, the advantages are more than disadvantages.

    Keywords: carbon/carbon composite; preform; short carbon fiber 


    目 录

    1 绪论 1

     1.1 C/C复合材料 1

      1.1.1 C/C 复合材料的特点及发展概况 1

      1.1.2 C/C 复合材料的制备方法 2

     1.2 C/C复合材料的预制体 3

     1.3 预制体的设计和制备 3

      1.3.1 预制体的设计 3

      1.3.2 预制体的制备 3

     1.4 预制体结构对热解炭沉积速率及结构的影响 4

      1.4.1 预制体结构对CVI过程的影响 4

      1.4.2 预制体结构对复合材料微观结构的影响 4

     1.5 致密化工艺 4

      1.5.1 液相浸渍工艺 5

      1.5.2 化学气相渗透(CVI) 5

     1.6 研究目的及意义 6

      1.6.1 研究目的和意义 6

      1.6.2 研究内容 6

    2 实验部分 7

     2.1 实验原料与仪器 7

      2.1.1 实验原料和试剂 7

      2.1.2 实验主要仪器 7

     2.2 实验内容 10

      2.2.1 单因素试验 11

      2.2.2 正交试验 12

     2.3 实验步骤 14

    3 实验结果及总结 17


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