
    摘要:本文在对6061铝合金分别采用同步轧制与异步轧制的方法进行轧制后,采用比容差法称量出轧件在轧制厚度方向上的应变分布情况;同时利用Deform有限元模拟软件对上述实验进行模拟,将模拟数据与实验数据进行对比,从而使得实验数据更加可信。实验结果表明:在同步轧制时,由于试样的变形区形状系数 均大于1,所以变形都能够到达心部,并且心部比表面更易变形,所以轧件的应变分布是从表面到中心逐渐增大且呈现对称关系;在异步轧制时,由于轧件在快速辊的一面金属变形程度远大于慢辊一侧,金属流动速度大,轧件的应变分布是从慢辊到快辊逐渐增大的关系。并且软件模拟的最后结果也与实验结果基本吻合。47263


    Measurement and distribution of strain during rolling deformation of aluminum alloy

    Abstract:This paper on 6061 aluminum alloy respectively by the method of synchronous rolling and cross shear rolling rolling in, the volume difference method weighing a piece in the thickness direction of the rolling strain distribution; at the same time, the deform finite element simulation software to simulate the experiment, the simulated number according to the comparison with the experimental data, which makes the experimental data more credible. The experimental results show that the synchronous rolling in, due to the deformation of the specimen shape coefficient was greater than 1, so the deformation are able to reach the heart and heart than the surface more easily deformed, so the rolling strain distribution is from the surface to the center gradually increased and showed a symmetrical relation; in asynchronous rolling, due to the workpiece in fast and a metal deformation to a far greater extent slow roller side, the metal flow velocity, rolling strain distribution from the slow and fast and the gradual increase of the relationship. And the simulation results are in agreement with the experimental results.

    Key words:Aluminum Alloy; rolling; speed ratio; volume difference method; finite element simulation


    摘要: I

    Abstract: I

    1.1 铝及铝合金 2

    1.2 轧制 2

    1.2.1金属轧制的目的 2

    1.2.2异步轧制技术 3

    1.2.3异步轧制的使用范围 3

    1.2.4异步轧制的不足 3

    1.3变形区金属流动规律 4

    1.4现有应变的研究现状 4

    1.5比容差法测量 5

    1.6模拟技术在轧制中的应用 6

    1.6.1模拟方法分类 6

    1.6.2有限元计算方法 6

    1.6.3发展现状及应用 6

    1.7选题的意义和目的 7

    1.8课题的研究内容和目标 8

    2铝合金轧制变形时应变分布的测量与模拟 8

    2.1实验测量 8

    2.1.1实验方案 8

    2.1.2工艺流程 9

    2.1.3实验设备 9

    2.1.4实验试样 10

    2.1.5 实验流程

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