    摘要:优异的综合性能使复合材料成为当今材料领域的研究热点之一,其常用的制备方法有铸造、粉末冶金、喷射沉积等,受各种因素影响,组织中普遍存在晶粒粗大、偏析、孔隙和夹杂等问题, 通常进行二次加工以提高强度和塑性。常规挤压、轧制等方法由于应变量较小,晶粒细化能力有限, 加工后偏析相往往沿变形流线分布,破碎和均匀化程度不彻底。此外,二次加工方法通常在高温下进行,再结晶晶粒容易长大,难以获得超细晶组织。7215
    大塑性变形技术在不改变复合材料尺寸的前提下, 通过施加很大的剪切应力而引入高密度位错,能够将平均晶粒尺寸细化到1μm以下, 获得由均匀等轴晶组成、大角度晶界占多数的超细晶复合材料;同时还能充分破碎粗大增金相, 尤其是在促使细小颗粒相均匀分布时比轧制、挤压效果更好, 显著提高复合材料的延展性和可成形性。近年来, 该方法受到材料科学界的普遍重视而得到迅速发展, 已经成功制备出具有不同晶体结构的纳米晶复合材料。
    Effects of bending deformation after rolling on the Organizations and Properties of Aluminum alloy

    Abstract: Excellent comprehensive performance to make composite material in today's material is one of the highlights in agro-scientific research in the field, the commonly used preparation methods of casting, powder metallurgy, spray deposition, etc., influenced by various factors, organizations are widespread problems such as coarse grains, segregation, porosity and inclusion, usually secondary processing in order to improve the strength and plasticity. Conventional methods such as extrusion, rolling due to the dependent variable is lesser, grain refining capacity is limited, after processing phase segregation often along the flow distribution, and degree of homogenization is not completely broken. In addition, secondary processing method usually, under the high temperature recrystallization grain size easy to grow up, is difficult to obtain ultrafine grain structure.
      Large plastic deformation technology without changing composite materials under the premise of size, by applying a lot of shear stress and the introduction of high density dislocation, to the average grain size refinement to 1 microns below, is composed of uniform cubic, large Angle grain boundary in the majority of the ultrafine crystalline composite materials; At the same time also can fully broken bulky enhancement phase, especially when prompted tiny particles are evenly distributed than rolling, extrusion effect is better, significantly increase the ductility and formability of composite materials. In recent years, this method is paid great attention to by material science and got rapid development, has successfully prepared with different crystal structure of the nanocrystalline composite materials.
      LY - 12 aluminum rolling are analyzed in this paper, the influence of bending deformation on the microstructure and properties after. Through different rolling, pressure ratio, curvature, cross section, etc for LY - 12 aluminum alloy lady's analysis and conclusion.
      Keywords: LY - 12 aluminum alloy, rolling, bending deformation

    1绪论    1
    1.1 铝合金    1
    1.2 强烈塑性变形超塑材料研究进展    2
    1.3 层错能在剧烈剪切变形时对晶粒细化的影响    3
    1.3.1 中、低层错能纯铜材料在ECAP中的组织演化    4
    1.3.2 高层错能45钢中铁素体在ECAP中的组织演化    5
    1.3.3 高层错能45钢中珠光体在ECAP中的组织演化    5
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