    Title    Investigation of Compound Heat Source Friction Stir Welding with Pure Copper                                                 
    This study aimed to experimentally explore the microstructure and properties of joints undergoing tungsten arc-enhanced friction stir welding and double-sided friction stir welding with 4mm thick pure copper T2 plates. The results show that samples welded under tungsten arc-enhanced friction stir welding process has a good appearance. However, the improper welding parameters would easily cause pore defects on the advancing side. These samples also exhibits a typical recrystallized structure. On the other hand, the average tensile strength of samples welded under double-sided FSW process is 62.5% of base metal. A significant transition zone of the upper and lower weld nugget formed in the middle of the two nuggets. The microstructure of these joints is recrystallized structure with fine grains. Due to the tool’s extrusion and mixing, joints have twin structure and lower hardness than base metal. Because of the higher temperature, the tool is not badly wear and tear during tungsten arc-enhanced friction stir welding process. In contrast, in the process of double-sided friction stir welding, the tool is seriously abraded, and caused the elements mixed into the joint.
    Keywords  pure copper T2; friction stir welding; compound heat source; analysis of microstructure and property
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  前言    1
    1.2    铜及铜合金的焊接    1
    1.2.1    铜及铜合金的分类    2
    1.2.2  铜及铜合金的焊接性    2
    1.3    搅拌摩擦焊简介    3
    1.3.1    搅拌摩擦焊的优点    3
    1.3.2    搅拌摩擦焊的缺点    3
    1.3.3    搅拌摩擦焊参数选择    4
    1.4  研究现状    4
    1.4.1  铜及铜合金搅拌摩擦焊研究现状    4
    1.4.2 复合热源研究现状    5
    1.5    本试验研究意义及主要内容    5
    2    试验材料、设备及方法简介    7
    2.1    试验材料    7
    2.2    试验设备    7
    2.2.1    焊接设备    7
    2.2.2    试验测试与分析设备    8
    2.3    试验方法    10
    2.3.1    铜的钨极氩弧复合热源搅拌摩擦焊接试验    10
    2.3.2    金相分析试验    10
    2.3.3    显微硬度试验    11
    2.3.4    拉伸试验    11
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  2. 下一篇:表面感应熔敷焊耐磨层工艺试验研究
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