

    以氢气为还原气氛,制备出一种黄色发光长余辉Li2SrSiO4:Eu2+,Nd3+材料和一种绿色发光长余辉Li2SrSiO4:Tb3+材料。采用荧光分光光度计测量了激发光谱、发射光谱;用射线衍射分析仪测定样品的晶型结构;探索了稀土离子的掺杂比例与发光性能之间的关系,确定了性能较好的硅酸锶锂长余辉发光材料的比例。发射光谱检测得Tb3+离子的典型5D4-7Fj跃迁,相应于X =0.3161,Y =0.5472CIE色度坐标. 发射光谱为500-700nm的一个宽带发射,最高峰位于578nm对应于Eu2+的4f65d1-4f7的跃迁,对应x=0.5027, y=0.492 CIE色度坐标。Tb3+的在基质中最佳浓度确定为1%,Eu2+,Nd3+共掺杂的最佳浓度确定为1%和0.4%。当紫外线光源被关闭,Li2SrSiO4: Tb3+和Li2SrSiO4: Eu2+,Nd3+荧光粉呈典型的余辉的行为。在拟合实验数据后展现了一个典型的三重指数衰减行为。热释光的研究进一步表明,Li2SrSiO4:Tb3+荧光粉的余辉行为是由于价带产生的电子和稀土离子(Tb3+)掺杂Li2SrSiO4产生的空穴的复合产生的,Li2SrSiO4: Eu2+,Nd3+荧光粉的余辉性能优异是由于Nd3+离子的加入导致陷阱浓度的增大,从而增加余辉长度的。58125


    The study of long afterglow materials of Li2SrSiO4

    Abstract: In the recent years, rare earth luminescent materials attracted more interest due to their excellent properties such as stability, high-efficiency, high-brightness, no radiation, excellent repeatability and environmental capability. In this study, long lasting phosphorescence silicates were synthesized by solid state reaction.

    A novel green emitting long afterglow phosphor Li2SrSiO4:Tb3+ and yellow emitting long afterglow phosphor Li2SrSiO4: Eu2+,Nd3+were obtained via a high temperature solid-state reaction under the reductive atmosphere. The photoluminescence spectra were recorded on F-4500, XRD patterns of the samples were measured by the X-ray powder diffraction analytical instrument. The relationship between contents of( Eu, Nd,)  rare earth and add-on quantity of cosolvent and luminescent properties have been studied, obtain a recipe used for good performance silicate  phosphor. Typical 5D4-7Fj transitions of Tb3+  ions were detected by PL spectra, corresponding to CIE chromaticity coordinates of X =0.3161,Y =0.5472. Typical 4f65d1 → 4f7 transitions of Eu2+ ions were detected by PL spectra, revealing a broad and intensive emission extending from 500 to 700nm with a peak at about 587nm, corresponding to CIE chromaticity coordinates of x = 0.5027, y = 0.492. An optimal concentration of Tb3+  in the substrate was determined as 1%. Optimal concentrations of Eu2+ and Nd3+ in the substrate were determined as 1% and 0.4%. The Li2SrSiO4:Tb3+ phosphors and the Li2SrSiO4:Eu2+,Nd3+ phosphors showed a typical afterglow behavior when the UV source was switched off. A typical triple exponential decay behavior was confirmed after fitting the experimental data. Thermal simulated luminescence study further indicated that the afterglow behavior of The Li2SrSiO4: Tb3+ phosphors was generated by the recombination of electrons with the holes resulted from the doping of rare-earth ions (Tb3+) in Li2SrSiO4 host, and the enhancement of afterglow property of Li2SrSiO4: Eu2+,Nd3+phosphors was due to the increasement of trap concentration resulting from the incorporation of Nd3+ ions, thereby improving afterglow time.

    Key Words: Li2SrSiO4;Long afterglow; Traps.spectrum.

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1引言 1


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