


    Abstract In today's society, for the study of ceramics has been to a certain extent, in all aspects can see the figure of the ceramic, which can see the various functions of ceramics are being excavated. In this paper, the condition of the wet forming process (mainly the injection molding method) is studied. After the dispersant type and amount and solid content of the comparative study found: when dispersing agent used PVP time effect is good, PAA easy settlement, obtained by slurry is not suitable for grouting for; dispersing agent content in 0.5% best when dispersing agent content increased or decreased when slurry are prone to adhesion of deposits, or on the side wall; then the experiment studied zirconia solid content for the influence of ceramic slurry fluidity, when the solid content is 20% of the flow is best for grouting, when continue to improve solid content to 25% when the slurry becomes thick, not suitable for grouting. And then by adjusting the exhaust system glue, sintering temperature, sintering time to comparative study found that annealing line glue when heating rate is slower for sintering density and linear shrinkage rate is better; sintering temperature for the 1450 DEG C when the highest density, linear shrinkage rate can reached 20.19%, metallographic micrograph was the best; sintering time for 5h and the sintered density and linear shrinkage rate is the highest.

    Keywords:ZrO2;wet moulding;Slip Casting;sintering system


    摘要 1

    一.绪论 3

    1.1研究背景 3

    1.2氧化锆陶瓷综述 4

    1.3二氧化锆陶瓷成型工艺 5

    1.3.1干法成型 5

    3.1.1干压成型 5

    1.3.2湿法成型 6

    1.4氧化锆陶瓷的烧结 7

    1.5二氧化锆的主要应用 8

    1.6选题的目的以及研究内容 9

    1.6.1选题的目的和意义 9

    1.6.2选题的主要研究内容 9

        1.7本章小结 9

    二.实验方案 10

    2.1实验原料和仪器 10


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