    Title      Adsorption of porous materials for the radioactive wastewater            
    The adsorption experiments were researched by using the rice husk powder(RHA),
    diatomite and activated carbon as adsorbents to remove the UO22+  from aqueous
    solution.The affecting factors on the UO22+ removal rate such  as  contact
    time,temperature,dosage of adsorbent, and  initial concentration were evaluated.X-Ray
    Diffraction techniques were employed to analysis the structure of the three
    adsorbents.The test results show that contact time,temperature,dosage of adsorbent and
    the initial concentration of uranium have an some effect on adsorption efficiency.And
    in contrast to the three uranium adsorption effect sort: RHA  ﹥  activated carbon  ﹥
    diatomite.When pH=2,T=40℃,the shaker speed is 140 r/min, the reaction time is
    300min, the removal rate of 1001.1mg RHA for 10mg/L uranyl ions is up to 42.63%.In
    addition,the desorptive solution of HCl have been tested to recover uranium from the
    sdsorbent.The highest values of uranium desorption(82.14%)have been reached using
    0.1M HCl.The adsorption behavior accords with Langmuir isotherm.And
    pseudo-second-order kinetic equation is more appropriate for  RHA and activated
    carbon,while pseudo-first-order kinetic equation is more appropriate for diatomite.
    Key words   rice husk power   diatomite   adsorption    radioactive wastewater
    目   次
    1   绪论  1
    1.1   放射性废水的来源及危害.  1
    1.2   放射性废水中铀的存在形态.  2
    1.3   吸附法处理含铀废水研究现状.  2
    1.4   吸附剂性质.  3
    1.5   放射性废水中铀的测量方法.  4
    2   实验部分  5
    2.1   实验材料和试剂.  5
    2.2   实验仪器.  5
    2.3   铀标准溶液的制备.  7
    2.4   计算方法.  7
    2.5   实验流程.  7
    2.6   稻壳灰吸附实验.  8
    2.7   硅藻土吸附实验.  8
    2.8   活性炭吸附实验.  9
    2.9   脱附.  10
    3   实验结果和分析  10
    3.1   稻壳灰吸附实验.  10
    3.2   硅藻土吸附实验.  15
    3.3   活性炭吸附实验.  20
    3.4   脱附结果.  25
    3.5   吸附等温线.  25
    3.6   吸附动力学.  28
    结论  33
    致谢  34
    参考文献  35
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