


    毕业论文关键词:  2205双相不锈钢,手工电弧焊,焊接接头,变形

     Abstract Duplex stainless steel was developed since the last century,it is more and more widely used.However, there are still a lot of flaws about the study of its properties.Thus, in this subject, we will select a welding method as SMAW welding method for welding stainless steel plate 2205 duplex stainless steel, and then we will observe the plate according to the joint experimental program to analyze the macroscopic deformation and discuss.

    We observed its welding joint microstructure and then we analyzed the microstructure of welded joints.We found that welding thermal cycle time impact of its transformation from austenite to ferrite.According to the sheet tensile fracture morphology, we determined the tensile stress in the course of the case.Finally,according the different welding deformation, we analyzed the impact the deformation of SMAW 2205.We found that transverse shrinkage and welding parameters affect the duplex stainless steel welding deformation and angular deformation.According to this subject,we expect it to provide data for the study of 2205 duplex stainless steel.

    Keywords:2205 duplex stainless steel,SMAW, Welded joints,Deform 

    目    录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1双相不锈钢的概述 1

    1.2 双相不锈钢的历史发展、性能及应用 1

    1.2.1双相不锈钢的历史发展 1

    1.2.2双相不锈钢性能特点 2


    1.3 双相不锈钢的焊接性

    1.3.1常用的对双相不锈钢的焊接方法 4

    1.3.2双相不锈钢工艺焊接性 6

    1.4 双相不锈钢焊接变形的相关实验研究 6

    1.5 选题背景及意义 7

    1.6 本课题的主要研究内容 8

    第二章 实验材料设备及研究方法 9

    2.1 实验材料 9

    2.2实验设备及步骤 10

    2.2.1实验设备 10

    2.2.2实验参数 12

    2.2.3焊前准备 12

    2.3 焊接接头性能测试 13

    第三章 实验分析与讨论 15

    3.1 金相组织 15

    3.2 拉伸断口实验分析

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