



    Title Numerical simulation of hot extrusion micro Gear of aluminium  alloy


    A numerical simulation of extrusion forming process for the microgear was operated by using DEFORM-3D software. By means of orthogonal experiments, the optimal process technology of 2mm work length, 90 degrees inlet angel, 450℃ and 1s-1 or 2s-1 strain rate was obtained. The results of orthogonal experiments were analyzed, we can know: within the conditions of the simulation, the forming quality decreases with the increase of work length and inlet angel; the influence of temperature on the forming quality is firstly ascending, then descending. The increase of strain rate will increase the forming quality of microgear. The distribution of stress, velocity and strain rate was analyzed, the flow pattern of metal forming process and the distribution of the mechanical field were obtained.

    Key words: Microgear; orthogonal experiments; strain rate; numerical simulation; hot extrusion

    目  录

    1  绪论 1

    1.1 微成形简介 1

    1.1.1 微零件与微成形的定义 1

    1.1.2 微成形技术特点 1

    1.1.3塑性微成形技术面临的挑战和发展趋势 2

    1.2塑性成形中的数值模拟 3

    1.2.1塑性成形中数值模拟的必要性 3

    1.2.2 DEFORM-3D系统简介 4

    1.3 微齿轮成形技术 4

    1.4 微齿轮 4

    1.5微齿轮成形面临的挑战和发展趋势 6

    1.6本课题研究的内容 6

    2 模拟模型与试验方案 6

    2.1 几何模型的建立 6

    2.2 模拟参数的设置 8

    2.2.1 物体类型的选择 8

    2.2.2材料的选择 9

    2.2.3温度的设定 10

    2.2.4 网格划分 10

    2.2.5 挤压速度的设定 11

    2.2.6 模拟控制信息的设定 11

    2.2.7 摩擦的设定 11

    2.3 模拟方案 11

    2.3.1实验因素与水平的选取 11

    2.3.2实验方案的确定 12

    2.3.3齿轮成形质量的评价 12

    3 模拟结果及分析 13

    3.1正交实验结果与分析 13

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