


    毕业论文关键词  石墨烯;氧化还原法;单层;化学合成


    Title   Synthesis of graphene with chemical intercalation method                                                   


    Graphene is a material made of carbon only through sp2 orbital hybridization, with one atomic layer thickness. It’s the thinnest one of the known materials. Graphene has excellent electrical conductivity , thermal conductivity and mechanical properties of a series of advantages , since the first reported in 2004 , caused widespread concern in the scientific community,right after the wave of carbon nanotubes. Those two share similarities with same kind of bonding. The synthesis of graphene mainly has four catagories of methods: mechanical exfoliation; epitaxial growth, growth from metal carbon melts, chemical (oxide reduction) synthesis. The advantages of chemical synthesis method is simple, can be mass-produced, and low cost. 

    This thesis uses two different chemical methods, microwave synthesis and modified Hummers method to prepare graphene. A series of characterization was done such as Scanning electron microscopy SEM, Atomic force microscopy AFM to study the morphology and structure of graphene we have produced.

    Keywords  graphene;chemical oxidation reduction synthesis;monolayer;chemical intercalation    

    目   次

    1  引言 1

    1.1  石墨烯的性质,结构及其制备方法 2

    1.2  石墨烯的特性 3

    1.2.1  电子运输 3

    1.2.2  导电性 3

    1.2.3  机械特性 4

    1.2.4  电子的相互作用 4

    1.2.5  化学性质 4

    1.2.6  记忆效应 5

    1.3石墨烯的应用前景 5

    1.3.1  纳电子器件方面 5

    1.3.2  代替硅生产超级计算机 6

    1.3.3  光子传感器 6

    1.3.4  基因电子测序 6

    1.3.5  减少噪音 6

    1.3.6  隧穿势垒材料 7

    1.3.7  其它应用 7

    2  实验部分

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