

    毕业论文关键词  SOFCs  SDC  电解质  掺杂  


    Title      The research of Intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell electrolyte based on CeO2


    Doped CeO2-based electrolytes with cubic fluorite structure,which has high ionic conductivity under intermediate temperature and drawn much attention, now has been become the main candidate material of Intermediate temperature SOFC electrolytes. This paper takes SDC as the main research target. We try to find out a method to sinter electrolyte at a lower temperature by doping with transition metal oxides. We also studied the effect of doping Fe3+ on the structure of SDC electrolyte materials, and by XRD, electrical conductivity and thermal expansion, different levels of doping powders and sintered body were characterized. The results showed that: Fe3+ at the grain boundaries partially replaced Ce4+ position in the composite powders, forming cubic fluorite structure with a good single phase. With the rise of sintering temperature, the density gradually increases, which reached about 95% density above 1250 ℃.Finally, we found, of the 1400 ℃ sintered samples, 1mol.% Fe-doped one has the best electrochemical performance, its maximum conductivity reaches 0.059S/cm, which improved the performance of electrolyte.

    Keywords:   SOFCs  CeO2  electrolyte  doped

    目 录

    1  引言 1

    1.1  燃料电池概述 1

    1.2  固体氧化物燃料电池 3

    1.3  电解质材料.6

    1.4   本课题研究的内容及意义.10

    2  实验过程 .11

    2.1实验原料和设备 11

    2.2 Fe氧化物掺杂SDC电解质的制备 11

    2.3 Fe掺杂SDC烧结体性能表征.12

    3  实验结果分析 15

    3.1  粉体XRD分析 15

    3.2  粉体的热膨胀分析16

    3.3  粉体的致密度 18

    3.4  烧结体的阻抗谱分析 18

    3.5  烧结体的离子导电性能 19

    结 论 22

    致  谢 22

    参 考 文 献 23

    1  引言

    1.1  燃料电池概述


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