

    毕业论文关键词  轴类锻件  热处理  数值模拟


    Title  Wind power spindle numerical simulation of heat treatment processes and technology research   


    Computer simulation of heat treatment process has become the process of heat treatment and heat treatment process design indispensable method.

    To heat treatment process for large shaft forging, the paper based on the heat transfer analysis in large forgings, has established of large-scale physical model of shaft forging, using three-dimensional finite element method for temperature field and stress field numerical simulation, got an analysis of the distribution and variation law of temperature and strain of large forging heat treatment process, and studying the influence of process parameters on heat treatment and properties of the forgings organization. The numerical model for the study and analysis of large forgings at any one time, the temperature of any location, organizational changes and stress has important practical significance, get further description of the heat treatment process of numerical simulation accuracy and superiority, in order to further analyze such changes and stress and strain components such as laying the foundation for large forgings and reasonable development of heat treatment process provides an effective theory.

    Keywords   Axial forgings  Heat treatment  Numerical simulation

    目  次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  概述 1

    1.2  大型锻件的热处理工艺研究现状 1

    1.2.1  锻件的热处理工艺方法 1

    1.2.2  热处理工艺的重点及发展展望 2

    1.3  热处理过程数值模拟研究概况 3

    1.3.1  国内外研究概况 3

    1.3.2  数值模拟在热处理中的应用 3

    1.4  DEFORM 有限元软件介绍 4

    1.5  本课题研究的意义及研究内容 5

    2  大型轴类锻件热处理过程有限元模型建立 6

    2.1  大型轴类锻件热处理工艺过程分析 6

    2.1.1  热处理过程的特点 6

    2.1.2  轴类锻件模型 7

    2.1.3  热处理工艺及分析 8

    2.2  大型轴类锻件热处理过程数值模拟方法 10

    2.3  大型轴类锻件温度场有限元模型建立

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