


    毕业论文关键词  有机铁电体薄膜 旋涂法 AFM/PFM 自组装 条纹状畴


    Title  The Preparation and electrical Characterization Of Zy-Im organic ferroelectric thin film


    Ferroelectric material, possesses the characteristics of spontaneous polarization, polarization reversal, high dielectric constant, outstanding pyroelectric properties and piezoelectric effect, thus it is a hot topic in recent material researches and is promising to be widely used in many areas. The Zy-Im imidazole salt is a new organic ferroelectric material, and its preparation and electrical performance test is helpful to reveal more physical properties of itself and to discover possibility of application.

    In this paper, we prepared a series of Zy-Im thin films by spin-coating technology and saturated-solution-immerse method. We verified the surface topography and electric domain structure with the aid of AFM/PFM, then try to inverse the domain by the scanning electric field of PFM probe. On the other hand, we determined its light transmittance in virtue of ultraviolet spectrophotometer and calculated the forbidden bandwidth according to it. As a result, the film has certainly ferroelectric properties due to the observation of phase/amplitude loops; Simultaneously, self-assembly phenomenon and stripe-typed domain was observed in saturated-solution-immersed thin film.  

    Keywords  organic ferroelectric film   spin-coating   AFM/PFM   self-assemble   Stripe-typed domain

    目   录

    1  引言 2

    1.1  铁电磁体简介 2

    1.2  有机物铁电体概述 4

    1.3  本文研究的内容和意义 6

    2  实验方案设计与研究方法 6

    2.1  实验药品及仪器 6

    2.2  主要设备的工作原理 7

    2.2.1旋涂机工作原理 7

    2.2.2 PLD(脉冲激光沉积)工作原理 9

    2.2.3AFM(原子力显微镜)/PFM(压电响应力显微镜)工作原理 10

    2.3  Zy-Im铁电薄膜制备过程 12

    2.4  Zy-Im铁电薄膜测试过程 13

    2.4.1 AFM/PFM测试 13

    2.4.2透光率测试 13

    2.4.3铁电回线测试 13

    3  实验数据及分析 13

    3.1  透光率测定及禁带宽度计算 13

    3.2  AFM/PFM获得的形貌及畴结构

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