

    研究结果表明:用甲酰胺试剂进行处理,其中560℃下保温10min渗层厚度可达70μm左右,最高硬度可达663.2HV0.1。用三乙醇胺溶液进行处理,试样表面的渗层明显且均匀。590℃下保温10min渗层厚度可达60μm左右,最高硬度可达680.3 HV0.1。提高保温温度和延长保温时间,均利于渗层厚度和硬度增加。丙三醇试剂用来渗碳,可明显看到试样因加热而晶粒长大。920℃处理10min渗层厚度大约100μm,最高硬度762 HV0.1。用于测量表面温度的三种热电偶连接方法,相比较效果较突出的是第二种。铜粉的添加使得热电偶温度测量端能真正接触试样的小孔底部,避免了因高温无机胶的阻隔或因小孔孔径的不合适造成热电偶测量端与试样间存在间隙而测温不准确。冷却循环水装置的添加使得靠近盛装试剂容器边缘的试剂温度升高收到抑制,从而使得溶液的蒸发量减少存在可能。

    毕业论文关键词  化学热处理,液相感应共渗,测量温度


    Title  Research on the low carbon steel prepared by Liquid Induction Thermo-chemical Process                               


    Liquid Induction Thermo-chemical Process is a kind of brand new method which combines Induction heating and Thermo-chemical treatment to reduce soaking time, save energy and reduce production cost. Low carbon steel was treated in the formamide reagent, tri-ethanolamine reagent, glycerol reagent by Liquid Induction Thermo-chemical Process while the processing temperature was controlled and the cooling water circulating means is added. Section hardness distribution and depth of layers were measured. Metallographic organization was observed. Composition of the surface and its distribution were analyzed. The influence of processing temperature and soaking time were also analyzed. 

    The results show that, a layer as the depth is 70μm could be generated at 560℃ for 10 minutes and the maximum hardness is 663.2HV0.1 when the low carbon steel was treated in the formamide reagent. a layer as the depth is 60μm could be generated at 590℃ for 10 minutes and the maximum hardness is 680.3HV0.1 when the low carbon steel was treated in the tri-ethanolamine reagent. Propanetriol reagents were used to carburizing, a layer as the depth is 100μm could be generated at 920℃ for 10 minutes and the maximum hardness is 762HV0.1. Addition of copper powder can improve the accuracy of thermocouple. The cooling water circulating means’ added is useful.

    Keywords  Thermo-chemical treatment, Liquid Induction Thermo-chemical Process,

    Measuring Temperature

    目  录

    1 引言 1

    1.1 渗碳 1

    1.2 渗氮 2

    1.3 氮碳共渗 2

    1.4 碳氮共渗 3

    1.3.1 液体碳氮共渗 3

    1.3.2 气体碳氮共渗 4

    1.3.3 液相感应碳氮共渗

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