    SUMMARY THE PRESERVATION of signals and equipment are gener-ally characterized by the term Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), whose essence will translate in its own grounding system. The proper EMC im-provement in the installation of automation and control systems ensures a significant reduction of the risks and costs associated with failure of equipment, whose conse-quences can be disastrous, thus justifying a systematic approach for the grounding sys-tem as it is not effective to elect a few “rules of thumb” to solve all would be scenarios.
    Automation and control systems are
    dependent on electronics to meet their
    needs in the various processes. When the
    equipment associated with these processes
    are damaged or have a malfunction due to
    electromagnetic disturbances, there will be
    risks related to safety and financial losses.
    The proper operation of automation and
    control systems is thus directly related to
    the integrity of the equipment and signals,
    this integrity being generally characterized
    by the term Electromagnetic Compatibility
    (EMC), which can be defined as the ability
    of a device, unit of equipment or system to
    function satisfactorily in its electromagnetic
    environment without introducing itself in-
    tolerable electromagnetic disturbances to
    that environment.
    The best cost-effective approach to such
    a proper EMC configuration requires each
    item of equipment and its interconnections
    to comply with specific EMC standards
    which, however, may not be enough to an-
    swer for all needs in a particular installation
    when additional protective measures are so
    to be implemented.
    Practically all protective measures to
    avoid Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)
    are directly related to the grounding system.
    Indeed, all different electrical-electronic
    technologies existing in an Industrial Plant
    will necessarily converge into the grounding
    system and it is therefore in the grounding
    system where the noise coupling problems
    occur and thus it is in the grounding system
    where they must to be solved.
    The essence of electromagnetic compat-
    ibility for automation and control systems
    will thus be translated into its own ground-
    ing system which can be understood as an
    (single) electrical circuit, which goes from
    the earth electrode subsystem to compo-
    nents in printed circuit boards, including
    all the installed protective measures, whose purpose aims
    to conciliate different commitments: Safety for the power
    system, Protection against lightning, and Control of elec-
    tromagnetic interference.
    To meet this goal (safety, protection against lightning
    and interference control) the grounding system would be
    an ideal plan with zero impedance where different signal
    levels could be mixed without any interference. But the ideal
    is not real, and what is done is the simulation of this ideal
    behavior through a proper design of the grounding system for
    a specific installation, aiming at two complementary goals:
    1st Safety Grounding - to guarantee that dangerous
    voltages due to power fault or lightning discharge could not
    cause any harm to people or to the installation itself, being
    its design based mainly on industrial frequencies and sup-
    ported by the electrode system;
    2nd EMC Grounding - to avoid electromagnetic interfer-
    ence, external to the system (both that from a third party
    into the installed electronic system or vice-verse) as well as
    internal to the system, being its design no more related to the
    electrode system but directed to the high frequency behavior
    of all system interconnections in order to:
    a. prevent electromagnetic disturbances to be coupled
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