    Abstract The cooling system of an injection mould is very important to the productivity of the injection moulding process and the quality of the moulded part. Despite the various research efforts that have been directed towards the analysis, optimization, and fabrication of cooling systems,21022
    support for the layout design of the cooling system has not been well developed. In the layout design phase, a major concern is the feasibility of building the cooling system inside the mould insert without interfering with the other mould components. This paper reports a configuration
    space (C-space) method to address this important issue. While a high-dimensional C-space is generally required to deal with a complex system such as a cooling system, the special characteristics of cooling system design are exploited in the present study, and special techniques that allow
    C-space computation and storage in three-dimensional or lower dimension are developed. This new method is an improvement on the heuristic method developed previously by the authors, because the C-space representation enables an automatic layout design system to conduct a more systematic search among all of the feasible designs. A simple genetic algorithm is implemented and integrated with the C-space representation to automatically generate candidate layout designs. Design examples generated by the genetic algorithm are given to demonstrate the feasibility of
    the method.c
    2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
    1. Introduction
    The cooling system of an injection mould is very important
    to the productivity of the injection moulding process and
    the quality of the moulded part. Extensive research has been
    conducted into the analysis of cooling systems [1,2], and
    commercial CAE systems such as MOLDFLOW [3] and
    Moldex3D [4] are widely used in the industry. Research
    into techniques to optimize a given cooling system has also
    been reported [5–8]. Recently, methods to build better cooling
    systems by using new forms of fabrication technology have
    been reported. Xu et al. [9] reported the design and fabrication
    of conformal cooling channels that maintain a constant distance
    from the mould impression. Sun et al. [10,11] used CNC
    milling to produce U-shaped milled grooves for cooling
    channels and Yu [12] proposed a scaffolding structure for the
    design of conformal cooling.Despite the various research efforts that have focused mainly
    on the preliminary design phase of the cooling system design
    process in which the major concern is the performance of
    the cooling function of the system, support for the layout
    design phase in which the feasibility and manufacturability of
    the cooling system design are addressed has not been well
    developed. A major concern in the layout design phase is the
    feasibility of building the cooling system inside the mould
    insert without interfering with the other mould components.
    Consider the example shown in Fig. 1. It can be seen that
    many different components of the various subsystems of the
    injection mould, such as ejector pins, slides, sub-inserts, and
    so forth, have to be packed into the mould insert. Finding the
    best location for each channel of the cooling circuit to optimize
    the cooling performance of the cooling system and to avoid
    interference with the other components is not a simple task.
    Another issue that further complicates the layout design
    problem is that the inpidual cooling channels need to be
    connected to form a path that connects between the inlet and
    the outlet. Therefore, changing the location of a channel may require changing the other channels as well. Consider the
    example shown in Fig. 2. The ideal location of each channel
    to optimize the cooling performance of the system is shown
    in Fig. 2(a). Assume that when the cooling system and the
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