    Abstract There is clear trend for high-pressure trains of a larger size. For a given plant size it reduces the number of  trains with the corresponding savings in installation  costs. Furthermore, fewer, larger Irains generally mean less capital than more,  smaller trains. Larger units have,  inherently, higher efficiency. There  is a preference amongst plant designers and operators for la'ains  capable of operating reliably without pressure lubrication. Today  this  limits the train size to, approximately,  10,000m3/d,  considering  a  40-45%  conversion  rate.  Reliability,  availability,  dependability  are paramount.  Metallurgy  with  proven  track  record,  adequate material  combination,  reasonable  cost  and  ease  of processing is the key  to the success of  the installation. 21094
    Keywords."  High-pressure pump; Alloy 885; Materials; RO train
    I. Description
    In  an  analogy  between  a  reverse  osmosis
    plant and  the human body we  could  say that  the
    membranes are  the  lungs  of the  system and  that
    the feed pumps are the heart.
    The main feed pumps, also known as the high-
    pressure  trains,  are,  undoubtedly,  one  of  the
    critical  components of the  plant.  As  such,  every
    effort should be made to ensure this equipment is
    most reliable, dependable and efficient. This brief
    paper  focuses on  trains  of mid  to  large  size,  i.e.
    trains for production of 2,500 mVd and larger.
    The  high-pressure  train  on  today's  plants
    typically consists of a high-pressure pump, driven
    by an asynchronous electric motor, and an energy
    recovery turbine  (ERT). The pump  increases the
    feed  water  pressure  to  that  required  by  the membranes;  the  brine,  rejected  at high  pressure,
    is  past  through  the  ERT,  which  recovers  that
    energy.  The  electric  motor  provides  the  net
    The  most  common  configuration  is  that  in
    which  the  electric  motor,  featuring  a  double
    extended  shaft;  is placed  between  the  pump  and
    the ERT,  three separate elements --  pump, motor
    and turbine,  for much improved reliability, avail-
    ability and maintainability.
    2. Equipment configuration
    On  seawater plants,  the high-pressure pump  is
    of  the  centrifugal  type,  horizontal  configuration
    and with multiple stages. The pump  casing could
    either be  axially,  also  referred to  as horizontally,
    split  or  radially  split  of the  segmental  ring  type.
    It  is  not  the  intention  of  this  paper  to  compare
    both  designs,  however,  an  analysis  of  the  in-
    stallations yields the following results (Table  1).
    Table 1
    High-pressure  pump -  construction
    Train size,  Segmental, Axially  Number  of
    m3/d  radially  (horizontally)  trains
    split, %  split, %  considered
    2,500-4,000  67  33  90
    4,000-5,500  32  68  75
    Greater  than  7  93  130
    In  the  smaller  segment,  2,500-4,000,  the
    trend  is to  install  segmental  radially split pumps.
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