
    chloride concentration and the molybdenum and
    nickel contents.
    In respect to nickel content, resistance to SCC
    is minimum at  some  intermediate value, with  it being  greater  at  both  lower  and  higher  nickel
    contents. That  intermediate value  is  the nominal
    content for the 300 series austenitics.
    Molybdenum, however, has  a  dramatic posi-
    tive effect on the SCC resistance.
    Duplex  alloys  exhibit higher SCC  resistance
    due to the beneficial effects of ferrite and the low
    nickel content.
    Published results  show  that  for chloride con-
    raining media,  the  high Molybdenum  austenitic
    alloys are, at  least,  as good as  the duplex alloys,
    whereas  the  300  series  grades  have  poor  resist-
    4.3. Summary
    Alloy  885  has  consistently  been  produced
    with  a  PREN  from  39  to  40,  exceeding  the
    minimum specified by Glover.
    Alloy 885  is processed to conform to a CF of
    35 or greater.
    The  amount  of  ferrite  phase  is  optimized.
    Maximum benefit  is provided (strength) without
    increasing  susceptibility  of  forming undesirable
    sigma phase, hard and cause of embrittlement.
    A  low carbon content (below 0.03%) reduces
    the  susceptibility  of  the  alloy  to  sensitization.
    The addition of nitrogen further impedes carbide
    precipitation.  Material  can  be  welded  with  no
    post weld heat treatment.
    The  alloy  has  a  structure  of  approximately
    85%  austenite  and  15%  ferrite  for  ease  of pro-
    This material shows, therefore, excellent per-
    formance  in  cold  and  warm  seawater  environ-
    ments  due  to  its  high  localized corrosion resist-
    ance. The  stress  corrosion cracking resistance  is
    also high. It is easy to process and weld.
    5. Operating  performance
    We  have  analysed  some  performance  para-
    meters,  more  specifically,  pump  efficiency,
    turbine efficiency and  specific consumption,  i.e. kWh/m  3  of product.
    For  the  size  of  trains  under  consideration
    (2,500  mVd  and  above),  for  a  feed  water  to
    permeate  conversion  around  45%,  those  para-
    meters,  today,  are  within  the  values  shown  in
    Table 2.
    Table 2
    High-pressure train -  performance  level
    Train  size,  Pump  Turbine  KWh/m  3  of
    mVd  efficiency,  %  efficiency,  %  product
    2,500  80-82  84-86  3.56-3.37
    5,000  81-83  85-87  3.47-3.28
    7,000  83-85  86-88  3.27-3.10
    10,000  84-86  87-88  3.17-3.02
    Flowserve  has  approximately  220  trains  of
    these  sizes  in  operation  or  under  construction.
    That  is  a  total  installed  production  capacity  of
    about 950,000mVd.  Operating hours accumulated
    year to date are close to 7.5 million.
    6. Conclusions
    There is a clear trend for high-pressure trains
    of  larger  size.  For  a  given  plant  size  it  reduces
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