
    Telephone or telegraph wire is drawn almost exclusively from iron stock made specially for this purpose. It is galvanized to insure ample protection from corrosion under extreme weather conditions. It is coiled and shipped in bundles of convenient size and weight.
    Fence wire is made of steel, any gage, from No. 7 to No. 19. It is black, bright, galvanized or painted. Coiled spring steel fence wire is generally made of Nos. 7 to 14 gage, slightly crimped, in other words, bent uniformly at regular intervals from a straight line. It is usually galvanized and shipped in bundles of convenient size and weight.
    Woven Wire
    Woven fabric consists of wire fencing, netting, screens, guards, wire cloth, concrete reinforcement fabric, etc. It is manufactured by interlocking, superposing one wire about the other and interweaving them, or by twisting the wires around each other, or by joining the wires at their intersection by means of clips, or electric welding.

    The Wire Industry
    The fabrics are produced on a large scale by specially de-signed automatic machinery and are shipped flat in rolls, or on reels bright, galvanized, tinned or painted.
    Bale ties are used almost exclusively for baling hay, straw, shavings, paper, rags, etc., and are shipped in bundles containing 250 ties and made of wire from No. 9 to No. 20 pages.
    Wire hoops are used to replace wooden and flat steel hoops,particularly the bilge hoops on slack cooperage barrels and kegs. They are made of wire from 5/16 inch diameter to No. 16 gage, and the ends are joined by electric welding or twisting.
    Rivets are cylindrical pins with a head on one end, used for uniting two or more pieces of material. The head is formed on the rivet at the factory by an automatic machine and the other head is formed when the material is riveted together, either by hand or pneumatic tools. The rod from which they are produced is called rivet rod or wire. Rivets of greater diameter than inch are made from heated bars; less than this size are upset cold.
    Bolts and Nuts
    Bolts are short, cylindrical pins with a head on one end and a thread cut on the other end. In conjunction with a nut they serve for uniting parts of materials.
    Nuts are square or hexagonal pieces of metal, about the thickness of the bolt, but are provided with a hole; they are tapped with a thread to match the thread cut on the bolt to which they belong.
    Washers are plain or conical plates provided with a hole to fit the shaft of the bolt to which they belong and are used to provide a better contact between the nut and the material united by a nut and bolt preventing the nut from injuring the material, and increasing the bearing area.
    The Wire Industry
    Bolts and nuts are formed in special machines from cold wire for the smaller sizes, and from hot bars or bolt and nut iron for the larger sizes. The thread is cut or rolled on the bolt blank and the punched nut is tapped by special thread-cutting machines.
    Screws are short, conical pins provided with a slotted head on one end and they are threaded in the shaft to a point. The smaller sizes are made from wire screw rods, the larger sizes from rods or bar iron. Special automatic machines are used for their manufacture.
    Chains consist of a series of links interlaced with the adjoin-ing links;they are only useful to transmit tension. Chains may be classified according to their application into ornamental, load, driving and stud link cable chains. Classified according to the ma-terial used and the process of manufacture, they are known as plate, wire, forged or welded and weld less chains, respectively. Or-namental chain is never subjected to severe strains and its design varies according to the taste of the maker or user. Generally, ornamental chain is manufactured of expensive material and is not used for industrial purposes.
    Plate chain is an intermediate style between the orna-mental and the load chain and is commonly used for attaching loose pieces, such as keys, plugs for plumbing work, cups, sash weights, etc. Most of these chains are stamped from metal strips with a hole in each end; these are doubled and the ends are secured by inserting and doubling the next link.
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