    In this paper, we present a phenomenological model that predicts the size distribution of the product issued from impact crushing in function of the rotor strike radius and velocity, the material properties and size distribution of the feed as well as the feed rate. The model is based on the standard matrix representation including classification and breakage matrices. It can be applied to both horizontal- and vertical-shaft impact crushers by means of the corresponding estimations for the average impact energy per unit mass presented here.
    We propose a new classification function for impact crushers in the form of a Weibull cumulative distribution. The minimum size of the particles that undergo breakage is assumed to be a function of the impact energy and the feed rate.
    The model predictions are compared with experimental data obtained for limestone treated in a pilot-plant hammer crusher.
    The dependence of the product size distribution on the rotor velocity is investigated. The influence of the feed rate on the
    product size is also simulated.22259
    D 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.
    Keywords: impact crushing; standard matrix representation; Weibull cumulative distribution
     1. Introduction

    During the past few decades, impact crushers have
    become widely used machines for comminution
    operations because of their high size-reduction ratio,
    easy modification of the product size distribution and
    a good dcubicT shape of the product. On the other
    hand, computer simulations are increasingly used in
    the modern design of ore processing plants containing
    crushers as a reliable, time- and cost-saving approach.
    * Tel.: +32 69 88 42 66; fax: +32 69 88 42 59.
    E-mail address: ctp@honet.be.
    0301-7516/$ - see front matter D 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.
    Despite their importance, however, impact crushers
    received little attention in what concerns the model-
    ling and simulation of their comminution behaviour.
    For this reason, the commercial codes for ore
    processing simulations still lack specific models for
    this type of crushers. There have been some recent
    attempts to develop phenomenological models for
    impact crushers (e.g., by Czoke and Racz, 1998;
    Attou, 1999), but nevertheless, significant amount of
    work has yet to be done in this field.
    Here we take the standard size distribution model
    for cone and jaw crushers developed by Whiten and
    White (1979) as a starting point. Because of the
    specificity of the breakage process in impact crushers,
    S. Nikolov / Int. J. Miner. Process. 74S (2004) S219–S225
    this model cannot be used for these machines in its
    original form. Impact breakage takes place at a much
    shorter time scale compared to the fragmentation
    process used in cone or jaw crushers. Hence, the
    nature and magnitude of forces as well as the energy
    transfer and dissipation related to impact breakage are
    very different from the relatively slow breakage by
    compression and shear used in other types of crushers.
    In order to solve this problem, we replace the
    classification breakage function used for cone and jaw
    crushers with a new one based on a Weibull
    probability distribution. Thus, important parameters
    such as the rotor radius and velocity as well as the
    feed rate are naturally incorporated in our model. We
    also propose estimations for the average impact
    energy per unit mass for both horizontal- and
    vertical-shaft impact crushers.
    The model structure is presented in Section 2,
    results are shown and commented in Section 3.
    Throughout the text, vectors ( f ) and matrices (C )
    BP represents the redistribution of the broken particles
    among the predefined size classes.
    According to Fig. 1, the particles entering the
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