
    Abstract This research was aimed at finding out the efficiency of the portable electronic vulcanizer. The old vulcanizing equipment was upgraded to save time, investment, manpower and to eliminate the problem of gas emission in vulcanization. The study also determined the accurate temperature setting and duration of vulcanizing process using electronic vulcanizer which eliminated the problem of gas emission produced by the conventional (gas fired) vulcanizer of about 2.772 kg of carbon dioxide for 1 liter of diesel fuel and/or 2.331 kg of carbon dioxide for 1 liter of petrol into the atmosphere. In constructing this vulcanizer, a letter G body configuration made of GI pipe with 69483

    31.5 cm long lag bolt with some electronic parts were installed, like the analog temperature gauge, digital timer, relay, LED, buzzer, switch, and heating element. Specifically, the product is pided into three components: base or body, control panel board and the heating unit. The effectiveness level of the equipment was tested utilizing five different temperatures at a constant and variable time. For Class A gum, the best temperature which bonded the gum exactly to the rubber tire was 60˚C in 1 minute while Class B gum was bonded at 60˚C in 2 minutes. The rate of energy consumed by the electronic vulcanizer for Class A gum was Php 0.0757 with an efficiency of 85.22% and for Class B gum was Php 0.15 with an efficiency of 85.22% and for conventional vulcanizer for Class A gum was Php 1.08 with an efficiency of 43.38% and for Class B gum was Php 1.52, with an effi- ciency of 78.08%. The study revealed that more tires could be vulcanized in a short period of time, therefore providing greater income over time. It is also environment-friendly since it does not emit carbon dioxide as compared to the conventional vulcanizing.


    Electric Vulcanizer, Portable Electronic Vulcanizer, Environment-Friendly Machine

    1. Introduction

    This research is about the upgrading of the vulcanizing equipment for automobile, motorcycle, bicycle and   any

    How to cite this paper: Ramis, E.Z. (2015) Efficiency of Portable Electronic Vulcanizer. World Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3, 15-23. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/wjet.2015.31002

    tire tubes. The gadget is electronically operated and environment-friendly.

    The upgraded vulcanizing equipment has additional features such as buzzer, timer and temperature gauge which can greatly increase its efficiency and accuracy.

    This experimental research was conceived to help reduce global warming, and to encourage investors in this small scale business industry.

    This study aimed at finding out the accurate temperature and duration of vulcanizing process using the elec- tronic vulcanizer which eliminated the problem of gas emission (carbon dioxide) produced by the conventional (gas fired) vulcanizer of about 2.772 kg of carbon dioxide for 1 liter of diesel fuel and/or 2.331 kg of carbon dioxide for 1 liter of petrol into the atmosphere [1].

    2. Technical Description

    2.1. Objectives

    The portable electronic vulcanizer was tested to find out its efficiency and convenience, which is beneficial to the community, the environment and industry.

    Specifically, this study was conducted to:

    1) identify the design of a portable electronic vulcanizer;

    2) determine its material components;

    3) determine the appropriateness of the heating element used in this electronic vulcanizer;

    4) determine the desirable temperature to exactly bond the Class A and B vulcanizing gum to the rubber tire in one and two minutes, respectively; and


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