
    Actually, there are now vulcanizing equipment in the market plus the Internet ads, there are roughly 1000 vulcanizers that are electric/electronic operated but they don’t have timer nor temperature control and none of them beat my design. Commercial vulcanizer (electric & manual) if not properly used, the vulcanizing gum may be burned same with the tire; this holds true with manually operated machine. Compared to the manually oper- ated vulcanizing equipment, this electronic operated vulcanizer saves time, labor, money and manpower in the vulcanizing shop operation.

    4. Methodology

    This section discusses the processes that were done during the experimentation.

    4.1. Research Design

    The study utilized experimental research method which included the new design, selection and identification of materials, assemblage fabrication, and testing process:

    1) New design. The design of the vulcanizing equipment was based on its portability and light weight of 6.30 kilograms, and environment-friendly machine. Its body configuration is a letter G in appearance that is made of GI pipe of schedule 40 and 3 cm in diameter; the base was made of 0.3 cm flat bar that serves as foundation of the equipment; a flat type 300 watts heating element and a box type panel board.

    2) Selection and identification of materials. Selection and identification of materials were seriously consi- dered in this study. The timer that controls the duration of the vulcanizing process; temperature gauge that con- trols the temperature in the process; power switch that is used for cutting the power supply to the machine; LED as light monitoring device and the buzzer that sounds when the vulcanizing process is completed; a stainless circular handle with 315 mm by 12 mm lag bolt, used for pressing the heating element and the rubber tire, and a flat type 300 watts heating element was connected to the circuit which is enclosed by a panel board made of galvalum sheet to complete the portable electronic vulcanizer.

    3) Fabrication. Based on the plans and design, the body was molded in a pipe bender to form a letter G con- figuration, the flat bar was cut to its desired length then welded to form the base and welded it again to the body of the vulcanizer. Fabrication of the panel board was undertaken to house the circuit board of this machine.

    4) Testing process. Testing of the machine was undertaken to determine the workability of the machine.

    Figure 2 shows the schematic diagram of the electronic vulcanizing equipment.

    Figure 3 shows the full view of the portable electronic vulcanizer (PEV).

    Figure 3. The portable electronic vulcanizer (PEV).

    4.2. Materials

    The materials and methods used in the construction and experimentation of this study were:

    a heating element, a 300 watts heating device that heats the vulcanizing gum and rubber or interior tire for vulcanizing process;

    an analogue temperature gauge used to set specific degrees in centigrade for the duration of the vulcanization


    a digital timer device used to set a specified time in seconds/minutes/hours for the burning operation of the vulcanizing equipment;

    a printed circuit board (PCB) on which all of the electronic parts were installed;

    a light emitting diode (LED) that serves as light monitoring device;

    boring tools used for drilling holes in the PCB for placement of the electronic parts;

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