    ALL-AIR SYSTEMS AN ALL-AIR SYSTEM provides complete sensible and latent cooling, preheating, and humidification capacity in the air sup-plied by the system. No additional cooling or humidification is required at the zone, except in the case of certain industrial systems. 23755
    Heating may be accomplished by the same airstream, either in the central system or at a particular zone. In some applications, heating
    is accomplished by a separate heater. The term zone implies the
    pro- vision of, or the need for, separate thermostatic control, while the
    term room implies a partitioned area that may or may not require
    separate control. The basic all-air system concept is to supply air to the room at
    such conditions that the sensible heat gain and latent heat gain in the
    space, when absorbed by the supply air flowing through the space,
    will bring the air to the desired room conditions. Since the heat
    gains in the space will vary with time, a mechanism to vary the energy
    removed from the space by the supply air is necessary. There are
    two such basic mechanisms: vary the amount of supply air
    delivered to the space, either by varying the flow rate or supplying air inter-
    mittently, or vary the temperature of the air being delivered to the
    space, either by modulating the temperature or conditioning the air
    intermittently. All-air systems are classified in two categories:
    • Single-duct systems, which contain the main heating and cooling
    coils in a series flow air path; a common duct distribution
    system at a common air temperature feeds all terminal apparatus. Either
    capacity varying mechanism (varying temperature or varying
    volume) can be used with single-duct systems.
    • Dual-duct systems, which contain the main heating and cooling
    coils in parallel flow or series-parallel flow air paths with either
    (1) a separate cold and warm air duct distribution system that
    blends the air at the terminal apparatus (dual-duct systems), or
    (2) a separate supply air duct to each zone with the supply air blended
    to the required temperature at the main unit mixing dampers
    (mul- tizone). Dual-duct systems generally vary the supply air temper-
    ature by mixing two airstreams of different temperatures, but
    can also vary the volume of supply air in some applications.
    These categories may be further pided as follows:
    Single duct Constant volume Single zone Multiple-zone reheat Bypass VAV Variable air volume (VAV)
    Throttling Fan-powered The preparation of this ch 
    Variable diffusers
    Dual duct
    Dual duct
    Constant volume
    Variable air volume
    Dual conduit
    Constant volume
    Variable air volume
    Three-deck or Texas multizone
    All-air systems may be adapted to many applications for comfort
    or process work. They are used in buildings that require inpidual
    control of multiple zones, such as office buildings, schools and uni-
    versities, laboratories, hospitals, stores, hotels, and even ships. All-
    air systems are also used virtually exclusively in special applica-
    tions for close control of temperature and humidity, including clean
    rooms, computer rooms, hospital operating rooms, research and
    development facilities, as well as many industrial/manufacturing
    All-air systems have the following advantages:
    • The location of the central mechanical room for major equipment
    allows operation and maintenance to be performed in unoccupied
    areas. In addition, it allows the maximum range of choices of fil-
    tration equipment, vibration and noise control, and the selection
    of high quality and durable equipment.
    • Keeping piping, electrical equipment, wiring, filters, and vibra-
    tion and noise-producing equipment away from the conditioned
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