
    2. Identify those tasks related to the design of the cooling 
    system which could be improved by providing additional
    3. Analyse production and maintenance procedures to elaborate
    an approach for analysis that does not disturb the production, 
    4. Elaborate a structured data model that combines relevant infor-
    mation in context of the produced parts,
    5. Develop a measurement approach and related equipment,
    6. Carry out energy measurements for a representative sample of
    injection moulds,
    7. Expert-analysis of measurement data to identify key conse-
    quences of design decisions in relation to energy efficiency.
    Analysing the moulding cycle, the following elements are strongly
    influenced by the mould design:
    a)  Residual cooling time
    b)  Mould movement (open, close)
    While the time for mould movement depends a lot upon the injection
    moulding machine and its environment such as robot for taking out
    parts, minimum residual cooling time  is directly linked to the design
    of the mould and its cooling system. Taking a close look at the
    cooling system can help improving mould performance a lot. Our
    studies have shown that residual cooling time is the key factor
    driven by mould design towards highly productive and energy
    efficient moulds. 
    As an example, when building a new two-cavity mould for a housing
    of a filter, it was possible to reduce cycle time from 58 seconds 
    down to 34.7 seconds only by improving the cooling system of the
    mould. This was achieved by using regular water cooling and
    regular drilled holes in the mould steel. Only by means of an
    optimized mould design the new mould was able to run
    approximately 1.67 times more quickly compared to the old, slow
    running mould.   
    a) b)
    Figure 1: Filter housing made of Polypropylene. 
    a) Isometric view, outer undercuts. 
    b) Isometric section cut, inner undercut. 
    Depending upon the number of parts needed, the designer might
    consider reducing the number of cavities. This would save
    investment for the mould and make it possible to use a smaller
    injection moulding machine.
    The amount of cavities in a mould is mainly a cost-driven decision
    [11], depending upon production volume and mould cost.
    Furthermore, the mould complexity and injection moulding machines
    available in the production plant have influence upon the reasonable
    amount of cavities in a mould. Ideally the total cost of ownership
    shall be analysed as described in [14]. For the filter housing case
    study mould, the number of cavities was kept to two. 
    This example shows that good mould performance does not
    necessarily mean having to use high-end cooling technology like
    mould inserts with conformal cooling lines made by laser, using
    special mould materials or special cooling technology such as CO2-
    cooling or similar (all these  principles are having reasonable
    applications, but in many cases  it is possible to achieve good
    solutions with regular technology).
    3.1   Limiting Factors During Tool Design 
    Especially in automotive industry  timing schedules are very narrow
    and the budget for mould and mould design is limited. Despite
    modern CAD-Systems, mould design  is still a bottleneck-activity
    when manufacturing a new mould. 
    For big moulds it is common practice to start mould manufacturing
    long before mould design is fully finished. This creates quite a time
    pressure for the mould designer, as he has to keep finishing bit by
    bit of his design in a way that mould manufacturing can continue
    without disruption. Furthermore, this can limit the design alternatives
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