
         At present, the car covered with mould of a large stamp out the machine mold manufacture has made great progress and the mould factory car company, faw's mold center and mould factory had to part with a mold car production。In addition, many studies and tertiary institutions in mold technological research and development in die cad, cae cam technology has made remarkable progress。For example, and jilin university car covered with a core technology and independent development of the car with a stamp out of shape kmas software analysis, central university of sculptural techniques of the development of key state laboratory  injection mould, the car with a mold and the level of the module into cad cae, cam software shanghai university die cad the state engineering research centres the development of the cold and was a progressive metal stamping tooling up research center of the cold developed progressive metal stamping tooling and a progressive metal stamping tooling cad software。
         More station level in technological development should be to mold a short delivery of products "" and "high precision," and "quality", "low" services. experts believe that the future more station together technological level in the following major trend:
         (1) Comprehensive promotion of cad cam cae technology
         Die cad cam cae technology is a tool designed and manufactured in the direction of development. as computer software development and progress, cad cam cae technical terms is ripe, and all enterprises will expand cad cam technical training and technical service of ; further expand the scope of application cae。Computer and network development is that the cad, cae the cam technology and across enterprises institute in the industry to make it possible to implement technical resources in the reshaping, making a virtual。
         (2) High speed milling for sliding guide
         Abroad in recent years to develop high-speed milling machine, a chance to the efficiency and to the surface finish is very high. in addition, it is also high strength for processing module and a low heat deforms temperature rise, the advantages of。A processing speed innovation of technology, auto, household appliances industry in large type of mold manufacture a new vitality into. now it has to be quick, direction, integration。
         (3) Tool scans and digital systems
         High-speed "scanners and stencil scans provide a model or scan to work out in the model of the many functions, has greatly narrowed the molds on the development of manufacturing cycle。Some rapidly scan system, but the rapid installation of the existing digit control machine tool milling machine and processing center, achieving rapid data collection and automatically generate various digit control machine tool systems the processing procedures, the cad, to mold manufacture of the "reverse engineering"。Tool scans the system has been in cars, motorcycles and electrical household appliances industry was successfully applied in the five-year period will play a greater role。
         (4) Research on electro-discharge milling with tilting shaft
         Electrical sparkle a processing technology innovation is also called spark in the processing technology, as it is a substitute for traditional with centerline electrode fabrication a new technology, it is a fast rotating column of simple tubular electrode make a two-dimensional or three-dimensional in processing (like digit control machine tool milling), so as to produce a complicated molding electrode, this is obviously electrical sparkle concrete process of the important development。Abroad have been using the technology of machine tools in a stencil processing of applications. it is expected that this technology will develop。
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  2. 下一篇:暖通空调系统英文文献和中文翻译
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