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where Tr is mean radiant temperature, K; TN is the surface tem-
perature of surface N,K; Fp−N is the angle factor between a person
and surface N. Mean radiant temperatures were calculated for a
standing person (height: 1.7m) in the middle of the room using
the measured surface temperatures and the respective angle fac-
tors [33], as shown in Fig. 8. Average reductions in calculatedmean
radiant temperature are 1.82 ◦C and 1.87 ◦C in summer and winter.
Themaximumreductions are 3.7 ◦C and 3.3 ◦C respectively, appear-
ing at 12:30 in summer and 11:50 in winter. Fig. 9 illustrates the
vertical air temperature distribution at these two peak times. Ther-
mal stratification naturally occurs in both BuildingsAand C, and the
difference in temperatures along the height of the (identical) rooms
is significant. At 1.7mfromthe floor (occupant height), the temper-
ature in Building A is 3 ◦C higher than the temperature in Building
C in the summer (similarly in winter).建筑物表面温度,室内反射涂层的影响,环境和能源消耗的实验研究
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