All authors read and approved thefinal manuscript.AcknowledgementsThe authors hereby appreciate the valuable assistance of Dr I Mobedi,professor, in Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS) and Dr S M BNabavi for identifying the aquatic worm species. Special thanks go toengineer Raisi and other personal of the Laboratory of Ahvaz wastewatertreatment plant.Author details1Department of Environmental Engineering, Sazabpardazan ConsultantEngineering, Ahvaz, Iran.2Department of Environmental Health Engineering,School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.3Department of Environmental Health Engineering, School of Health, AhvazJondishapour University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran.4Department ofEnvironmental Technology, Wageningen University, Wageningen, TheNetherlands.Received: 8 June 2012 Accepted: 20 July 2012Published: 2 August 2012References1. Mahvi AH: Sequencing batch reactor: A promising technology inwastewater treatment. Iran J Environ health Sci and Eng 2008, 5:79–90.2. Baghapour MA, Jabbari E, Baskaran K: Reducing of excess sludgeproduction in wastewater treatment using combined anaerobic/aerobicsubmerged biological filters. Iran J Environ Health Sci Eng 2011,8:207–218.3. Farzadkia M, Mahvi AH: Comparison of extended aeration activatedsludge process and activated sludge with lime addition method forbiosolids stabilization. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences. 2004,7:2061–2065.4. Mantovi P, Baldoni G, DalRe L, Piccinini S, Rossi L: Effects of 15 yearssludge application on cropland. In: Sludge disposal; Proceeding book ofIWA conference of Sludge management, Moscow. Sec 2006, 10:10–16.5. Jamal A, Norieh N, Farzadkia M: Comparison of aerobic and limestabilization methods for evaluation of sewage sludge reuse. Journal ofEnvironmental Science and technology 2011, 4:182–190.6. Hosseini Koupaie E, Alavi Moghaddam MR, Hashemi H: Comparison ofoverall performance between moving-bed and conventional sequencingbatch reactor. Iran J Environ Health Sci Eng 2011, 8:235–244.7. Farzadkia M: Investigation of sludge stabilization and reuse in four smalltreatment plants of Tehran city. Scientific Journal of Hamadan University ofMedical Sciences 2002, 9:51–55.8. Takdastan A, Mehrdadi N, Azimi AA, Torabian AN, Bidhendi G: Investigationof intermittent chlorination system in biological excess sludge reductionby sequencing batch reactors. Iran J Environ Health. Sci Eng 2009,6:53–60.9. Liang P, Huang X, Qian Y, Wei Y, Ding G: Determination and comparisonof sludge reduction rates caused by microfaunas' predation. Journal ofBioresource Technology 2006, 97:854–861.10. Hendrickx TLG, Elissen HJH, Temmink H, Buisman CJN: A new reactorconcept for sludge readuction using aquatic worms. Water Res 2006,40:3713–3718.11. Huang X, Liang P, Qian Y: Excess sludge reduction induced by Tubifextubifex in a recylced sludge reactor. Journal of Biotechnology 2007,127:443–451.12. Wei Y, Van H, Borger A, Fan Y, Eiklboom D: Minimization of excess sludgeproduction for biological wastewater treatment. Water Res 2003,37:4453–4467.13. Wei Y, Liu J: Sludge reduction with a novel combined worm-reactor.Journal of Hydrobiologia 2006, 564:213–222.14. Rastak CH: Sludge reduction by predatory activity of aquaticOligechaetes in wastewater treatment plants. Journal of Hydrobiologia.2006, 564:197–211.15.
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