
       1. The size of the appropriate clamping force. It is necessary to ensure that the work piece in the whole process of its stable position vibration small but also so that the work piece does not produce excessive clamping deformation. 
       2. Technology is good. The complexity of the clamping device should be suited to the production of the Program to ensure production efficiency its structure should be kept simple easy to manufacture and maintenance. 
       3. Good use. The operation of clamping device should be convenient safe and labor-saving.    
    III  the basic Clamp
    The original force into a clamping force through the clamping body to achieve.Among the many institutions in the clamping wedge oblique spiral and by their eccentric combination of the most common application of clamping.    
    (A) Wedge Clamp 
    Wedge used as components or transmission of the clamping device clamping body known as the Wedge Clamp.  Wedge clamping directly the oblique wedge of the self-locking conditions are:Wedge angle smaller than the work piece Wedge Wedge and folders between the concrete and the friction angle.     Namely: a f1+f2   In order to ensure a reliable self-locking manual clamping generally take a =6 ~ 8 °. Using pneumatic or hydraulic device drivers do not need the self-locking oblique wedge it is desirable to a =15 ° ~35 °.   Wedge clamp is simple in structure than by large self-locking features such as performance it is widely available.   
     (B) Helical Clamp
    Used as intermediate screw transmission components are collectively referred to as the clamping screw clamping body organs. Because of its simple structure reliable clamping common good and as a result of the small helix angle spiral of self-locking clamping body good clamping force and the clamping itinerary are larger fixture on manual with the most a clamping body. 
       1. Simple screw clamp body 
       The simplest spiral as a result of the direct use of clamping bodies pressed workpiece screw head so easy to damage the surface of the work piece under pressure or driven rotating work piece. So often in the head with swinging Press. Press with the work piece as a result of friction between the Press and the torque is greater than the friction between the screw torque screw together with the Press will not rotate. Clamping action slow time-consuming loading and unloading the work piece is a single spiral Another drawback of the Clamp. To overcome this shortcoming the rapid clamping bodies can be. 
       2. Clamp screw plate
    Institutions in the clamping the use of spiral plate is very common common structure of the spiral structure of a typical plate size has been standardized the designer can refer to the relevant national standards and fixture design manual design.   
    (C) Eccentric Clamp    
    With eccentric pieces, directly or indirectly, the work piece clamping body, known as the eccentric clamping body. There are two types of eccentric pieces, that is, and the curve of eccentricity eccentric circle, which, due to a round eccentric structure is simple and easy to manufacture and is widely used.  Eccentric clamping processing is easy to operate, rapid clamp, the disadvantage of clamping force and clamping trip are small. Not generally used in cutting force, vibration small there is no centrifugal force of the impact of the processing.     1. Round the working principle of eccentric    
    2. Eccentric clamping round trip and paragraph    
    3.Eccentric self-locking condition
    IV  institutions centering clamping 
        When the work piece is processed by the central element of surface (axis, the center plane, etc.) for the base process in order to enable the base to reduce the positioning error of coincidence to be used centering clamping body. 
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