
    2 Structure of integrated CAD/CAE system
    As is well known, various computational approaches for supporting mold design systems of various authors use design automation techniques such as KBE (RBR, CBR, PDT) or design optimisation techniques such as traditional (NLP,LP, BB, GBA, IR, HR) or metaheuristic search such as (TS, SA, GA) and other special techniques such as (SPA, AR, ED). The developed interactive software system makes possible to perform: 3D modeling of the parts, analysis of part design and simulation model design, numerical simulation of injection molding, and mold design with required calculations.
    The system consists of four basic modules:
        Module for CAD modeling of the part;
        Module for numerical simulation of injection molding process;
        Module for calculation of parameters of injection molding and mold design calculation and selection;
        Module for mold modeling (core and cavity design and design all residual mold components).
    The general structure of integrated injection mold design system for plastic products is shown in Fig. 1.
    The module for CAD modeling of the part is the first module within the integrated CAD/CAE system. This module is used for generating CAD model of the plastic product and appropriate simulation model. The result of this module is solid model of plastic part with all necessary geometrical and precision specifications.
    Precision specifications are: project name, number, feature ID, feature name, position of base point, code number of simulation annealing, trade material name, material grade, part tolerance, machine specification (name, clamping force, maximal pressure, dimensions of work piece), and number of cavity. If geometrical and precision specification is specified (given) with product model, the same are used as input to the next module, while this module is used only to generate the simulation model.
    2.2 Module for numerical simulation of injection molding process (module II)
    Module II is used for numerical simulation of injection molding process. User implements an iterative simulation process for determining the moldability parameters of injection molding and simulation model specification. The structure of this module is shown in Fig. 2.
    After a product model is imported and a polymer is selected from the plastic material database, user selects the best location for gating subsystem. The database contains rheological, thermal, and mechanical properties of plastic materials.
    User defines parameters of injection molding and picks the location for the gating subsystem. Further analyses are carried out: the plastic flow, fill time, injection pressure, pressure drop, flow front temperature, presence of weld line, presence of air traps, cooling quality, etc.
    The module offers four different types of mold flow analysis. Each analysis is aimed at solving specific problems:
    Part analysis—This analysis is used to test a known gate location, material, and part geometry to verify that a part will have acceptable processing conditions.
    Gate analysis—This analysis tests multiple gate locations and compares the analysis outputs to determine the optimal gate location.
    Sink mark analysis—This analysis detects sink mark locations and depths to resolve cosmetic problems before the mold is built eliminating quality disputes that could arise between the molder and the customer.
    The most important parameters are the following:
        Part thickness
        Flow length
        Radius and drafts,
        Thickness transitions
        Part material
        Location of gates
        Number of gates
        Mold temperature
        Melt temperature
        Injection pressure
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