
    The photoelectric element by flux the role of different made from the principle of optical measurement and control system is varied, press the photoelectric element (optical measurement and control system) output nature, namely, can be pided into second analog photoelectric sensor and pulse (switch) photoelectric sensor. Analog photoelectric sensors will be converted into continuous variation of the measure, it is measured optical with a single value relations between analog photoelectric sensor. According to be measured (objects) method detection of target can be pided into transmission (absorption) type, diffuse type, shading type (beam resistance gears) three categories. So-called transmission style means the object to be tested in optical path in constant light source, the light energy through things, part of being measured by absorption, transmitted light onto photoelectric element, such as measured liquid, gas transparency and photoelectric BiSeJi etc; speed.gratifying The so-called diffuse style means the constant light by the light onto the analyte from the object to be tested, and projected onto surfaces reflect on after optoelectronic devices, such as photoelectric colorimetric thermometer and light gauge etc; The so-called shading style means the when illuminant issued by the flux of light analyte covered by a part Jing optoelectronics, make projection on the flux change, change the object to be tested and extent of the position with the light path, such as vibration measurement, the size measurement; And in pulse photoelectric sensor in the sensors, photoelectric element acceptable optical signal is intermittent change, therefore photoelectric element in switch work of the state, the current output it is usually only two steady state of the signal, the pulse form used for photoelectric counting and photoelectric speed measurement and so on.
    And infrared photoelectric sensor classification and working way generally have the following kinds:
    1, groove photoelectric sensor put a light emitter and a receiver in a slot face-to-face outfit are on opposite sides of the photoelectric groove. Lighter emits infrared light or visible light, and in unimpeded cases light receptors can receive light. But when tested objects from slot zhongtong obsolete, light occluded, photoelectric switches and action. Output a switch control signal, cut off or connect load current, thus completing a control movement. Groove switch is the overall of detection distance because general structure limits only a few centimeters.
    2, DuiShe type optoelectronic sensor if you put lighter and receive light is separated, can make the detection distance increase. By a lighter and an inbox light sensor into a photoelectric switch is called DuiShe separate photoelectric switches, referred to DuiShe photoelectric switch. Its detection distance can reach a few meters and even a dozen meters. When using light-emitting device and receive light device are installed in test object through the path of the sides, test object by blocking light path, accept light implement action output a switch control signals.
    3, reflex plate.it photoelectric switch light-emitting device type and receive light device into the same device inside, in its front pack a reflex plate.the using the reflection principle of complete photoelectric control function is called reflex plate.it reflex (or reflector reflex) photoelectric switch. Under normal circumstances, lighter the light reflected by reflex plate.it is received by accept light; Once the light path be test object to block, accept light, the light is not receive photoelectric switch is action, output a switch control signals.
    4, diffusion reflective photoelectric switches its detection head with a lighter and also an inbox light ware, but no reflex plate.it ahead. Normally lighter for the light collect light is not found. When test object by blocking the light, and the light reflected light, receive part implement received light signals, output a switch signals.
    Four, I'm the idea of photoelectric sensor
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