
    High frequency relief machine is a relief equipment, mainly for bulky fiber bundles of sufficient dispersed relief, such as before the pretreatment of the pulp beating, the loss of dry wet paper pulp and waste paper pulp to deal with a plasma treatment, etc. Use of force and high speed rotating produce many applications tooth shape, size and dynamic dish when through static plate collision between multiple times, and make the fiber get scattered solution. Because of the fibers of the dispersion of a pure only, do not damage fiber, so for short fiber pulp and secondary fiber particularly beneficial to the organization. According to the mechanism of the high frequency relief machine, we in the white paper board production in coating, waste paper pulp production line at the bottom of the ZhuLiuCheng increased in the high frequency relief equipment, make the product quality, the physical properties of the ground floor appearance has been greatly improved, and eliminate the waste paper greatly in thick liquid material bulky printing ink, and glue things into paper and brighter for ChaoZao influence. The high frequency used in our country to relief machine, basically tooth disc, but also there are holes disc and cone shape. We are now in the basic use of production is tooth disc relief machine, also have used hole plate type relief machine (old) used to solve in the waste paper pulp ink and adhesive content influences test.
    Tooth disc high relief machine is the main components of the tooth shape with the stator and rotor. Stator and rotor by different respectively to diameter, medium small number three concentric ring gear is fixed to the plate, and the stator and the rotor gear disks are questioning, plate with the increased number of direct increase, by mobile coupling and motor rotor link to 2900 r/MLN 1500 or r/rain speed back again. The pulp pump to send people to relief the center of high frequency machine, because of the high speed rotor turn and slurry gains kinetic energy, from the direction of the centrifugal force gradually through the stator and the rotor gear a small room, because of the rotor and stator toothed ring ring gear are questioning, and make the slurry continuous gains kinetic energy. Size in athletic process, was constantly under the tooth body impact, produce high-speed mechanical hydraulic tore his role, make pulping scattered into the scraps of paper pulp.
    Tooth paste disc high relief to the machine to relief effect is hole plate type high frequency relief machine is good, but processing is more difficult, and with protruding teeth, easy for the size that good thing into the water and damage, so the requirement into the high frequency of relief machine before size must have good purification treatment. After the production of high frequency relief machine size achieve better relief effect, the original cardboard large fiber bottom big wire and printing ink spots are no longer there, into paper bottom becomes exquisite and even, strength improved, and a class in quality; At the same time, the production of the wet department of chemistry with the effective, basic solved the obstacles ChaoZao influence of slurry ink.
    Through production practice, we think that the high frequency organization in dealing with waste paper pulp machine of economic reasonable has the following advantages:
    1) cover an area of an area small, group Taiwan installation is simple, so it can greatly reduce investment, construction and installation.
    2) equipment performance to relief is given priority to, can maintain the original paper pulp beating degree and make the fiber dissociation, therefore, is a great help in paper machine ChaoZao and into the improvement of the quality of paper.
    3) in a choice of Daniel process, such as the use of high frequency relief machine instead the grinder machine processing pulp, especially before beating for beating the relief processing, its power consumption and equipment maintenance cost greatly reduced.
    Mechanical Design
        Mechanical design means of things and systems of a mechanical nature-machines, products, structures, devices, and instruments. For the most part mechanical design utilizes mathematics, the materials sciences, and the engineering-mechanics sciences.
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