
    Implementing CIM fully in order to make it cost effective
    Operating a CIM installation for long periods offline
    Planning CIM operations 
    CIM should be looked upon as ongoing development. Smaller shops are beginning to put together some of its components such as CAD/CAM and computerized accounting. Larger corporations have made substantial gains in adding many more components and some have even achieved full CIM implementation. 
    Operational strategies within CIM 
    Many types of strategies have been formulated to increase the efficiency of operations within CIM. Chief among them are group technology (GT) and just-in-time (JIT).    
    What is a CAM system? 
    For simple applications (like drilling holes), the CNC program can be developed manually. That is, a programmer will sit down to write the program armed only with pencil, paper, and calculator. Again, for simple applications, this may be the very best way to develop CNC programs. 
    As applications get more complicated, and especially when new programs are required on a regular basis, writing programs manually becomes much more difficult. To simplify the programming process, a computer aided manufacturing (CAM) system can be used. A CAM system is a software program that runs on a computer (commonly a PC) that helps the CNC programmer with the programming process. Generally speaking, a CAM system will take the tediousness and drudgery out of programming. 
    In many companies the CAM system will work with the computer aided design (CAD) drawing developed by the company's design engineering department. This eliminates the need for redefining the workpiece configuration to the CAM system. The CNC programmer will simply specify the machining operations to be performed and the CAM system will create the CNC program (much like the manual programmer would have written) automatically. 
    What is a DNC system? 
    Once the program is developed (either manually or with a CAM system), it must be loaded into the CNC control. Though the setup person could type the program right into the control, this would be like using the CNC machine as a very expensive typewriter. If the CNC program is developed with the help of a CAM system, then it is already in the form of a text file. If the program is written manually, it can be typed into any computer using a common word processor (though most companies use a special CNC text editor for this purpose). Either way, the program is in the form of a text file that can be transferred right into the CNC machine. A distributive numerical control (DNC) system is used for this purpose. 
    A DNC system is nothing more than a computer that is networked with one or more CNC machines. Until only recently, rather crude serial communications protocol (RS-232C) had to be used for transferring programs. Newer controls have more current communications capabilities and can be networked in more conventional ways (Ethernet, etc.). Regardless of methods, the CNC program must of course be loaded into the CNC machine before it can be run. 
    A CNC user MUST understand the makeup of the CNC machine tool being utilized.    
    Basic machining practice - the key to success with any CNC machine 
    Many forms of CNC machines are designed to enhance or replace what is currently being done with more conventional machines. The first goal of any CNC beginner should be to understand the basic machining practice that goes into using the CNC machine tool. The more the beginning CNC user knows about basic machining practice, the easier it will be to adapt to CNC1. 
    Think of it this way. If you already know basic machining practice as it relates to the CNC machine you will be working with, you already know what it is you want the machine to do. It will be a relatively simple matter of learning how to tell the CNC machine what it is you want it to do (learning to program). This is why machinists make the best CNC programmers, operators, and setup personnel. Machinists already know what it is the machine will be doing. It will be a relatively simple matter of adapting what they already know to the CNC machine. 
  1. 上一篇:种植覆盖义齿英文文献和中文翻译
  2. 下一篇:机床铣削稳定性英文文献和中文翻译
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